Chapter 11

It was Nothing

It’s been a week since that happened. It shouldn’t bother me, but it did. I can’t quite figure out why he did it and why I let him do it. 

Today is also the day we will visit Magical University. We were together as a whole group in a car. They talk while I was quiet the whole time. They don’t have any idea what happened, and I don’t even want them to find out. I’m going insane because of that guy. 

They noticed my silence and asked me why I want to say that it was all Isaac’s fault. Shit. 

“Althea, you are quiet again. Do you have a problem? You can open it up to us,” Cath said. I immediately shook my head. Oftentimes, when I have a problem, I’ll solve it on my own. I don’t want to open up to anyone, because I also have no friends. 

“I’m fine.” We left early because we had to go to Magical University. 

We used two vehicles. The other one is where Mr. Scott and his wife are on board. They were accompanied by Mr. Hawkins and Mrs. Athena. They’re the ones who hold the Tournament every year. 

I don’t know where we’re going. All I know is that it’s called Magical University. Maybe it’s just like Alexandria Academy. A school where students are well-trained. 

I just stared outside of the car. We passed by a lot of trees, and grasses. The view outside is breathtaking. I could stare at it all day long. 

I think it’s almost a semester break at my former school. I still wonder how it has been there. Even if that world didn’t give me any good memory, that world was a part of me that made me who I am today. I am me because of what I’ve been through there. 

The rainy season is beginning. Raindrops gradually slipped through the windshield. It’s raining. But that’s what I want. I feel like when it rains, the sky accompanies my feelings. 

“Do you remember anything when it rains?” I turned to Kristian when he asked that. He’s sitting next to me and Lydia.

Kurt, Cath, and Isaac were in front of us talking about something else. 

“A lot.” I looked up at the sky again. When it rains, the streets are empty. I always take that as an opportunity to go out and feel the rain. 

“We all remember a memory when it rains.” I was stunned by what Kristian said. It was only then that I noticed that the rest of us were silent. 

Isaac was holding his phone; Kurt is sleeping as well as Cath while leaning toward him. Lydia, on the other hand just leaned against the car window and silently looked outside. 

“What do you mean?” I asked. 

“Lydia, she hates rain. That’s why when it rains, she prefers to be locked in her dorm. It was rainy season when her best friend died, Rhian. She can’t get over it.” 

That made me stop, Rhian is dead. Is that why Isaac values that dorm so much? I closed my eyes. That’s how much they love Rhian. 

“Kurt and Cath broke up and that was the rainy season. Everything hindered their relationship. They said we are too young for love. But is there a proper age for love?” He slightly chuckled. 

“They tend to judge what they don’t understand,” I said and looked at Cath and Kurt. Maybe it is really hard for them to overcome that kind of circumstance. 

“But for me? I love the rainy season,” Kristian said. He looked at Lydia and there I understood everything. They’re in a relationship, too. Just like Cath and Kurt. “She said yes to me exactly on the first day of the rainy season and for me, there is nothing better than that.” The way Kristian’s eyes almost formed like a heart, can tell that he’s really in love. 

It’s both amazing and terrifying love can be. It can change and destroy you at the same time. So, I am also afraid to love. That is if someone loves me. But I doubt that. No one will love me, and I accept that. 

I looked at Isaac. Kristian looked at him, too. “Isaac hates rain. Because Rhian died. The woman who changed his life. Isaac…” he paused for a moment, “… loved Rhian more than he loves himself.” 

“Here we are.” Our conversation stopped when the driver spoke. I shook my head trying to forget what Kristian said. I should not be affected by that. 

I peeked out the window to see what the University looked like and there I was completely stunned. Magical University is a castle-like school that can take your breath away. There is Bermuda grass everywhere, hanging plants along the sidewalks, and there is also a water fountain in front of the grand entrance of the school. 

I followed them as they walk inside the University. I stood there in shock. This place is too amusing. Paintings, pictures, and frames are lining the wall. the floor is carpeted. And the ceiling is high with a lot of chandeliers that light up the whole floor with its glamorous light. The walls are cream-colored, I can’t believe what I’m witnessing today. It’s as fascinating as Alexandria Academy is. 

We entered a high wooden door and an office greeted us. There is a chandelier in the middle, there is also a fireplace, and there are bookshelves on the wall that makes the room more elegant. 

We were approached by a woman they called Mrs. Zecharia. From the looks of her, she is indeed the mother of Isaac. Her eyes are forest green, too and she’s stunning. 

“Sit down, Players,” she said. She guided us to a wooden table and there are several swivel chairs where we can sit. 

We sat on our designated seats. The door opened again, and three women and three men entered. They are wearing the uniform of Magical University. You can sense sophistication in their aura. They seem to be very serious about the upcoming Tournament. 

I looked at the man who caught my attention. His uniform is kind of unbuttoned, revealing his tanned well-built chest. He’s also undeniably handsome. His natural brown hair complimented him even more. But I noticed something else in him. 

He’s looking intently at Isaac and he’s grinning. As if he has unfinished business with him.

“She’s Sophia, the shooter of the team,” Mrs. Zecharia said referring to the girl with red eyes and braided hair. She’s beautiful they are all beautiful. ” And she’s Kaye, the healer.” She pointed to the girl with long hair reaching her waist and she was wearing glasses; she has blue eyes. 

“The two warriors will be Joshua and Elvin,” he pointed to the two guys who were just seriously looking at us. Both of them are red-eyed. 

Mrs. Zecharia pointed to the girl who seems to be following the footsteps of the guy who was still looking at Isaac. She’s grinning from ear to ear. “She’s the hoaxer, Amanda.” 

“And lastly, their leader.” She pointed to the guy who was still staring at Isaac. “With the record of undefeated when it comes to training, he became the leader. He’s Andrei.” They all bowed down except Andrei. It’s a sign of respect yet he didn’t do it. I guess he has grudges against Isaac. 

“While they are the team from Alexandria Academy.” Mrs. Zecharia introduced Cath, “The healer, Cath.” 

“The shooter, Lydia.” She pointed to Lydia who immediately smiled. “The two warriors, Kurt and Kristian. They have the most outstanding record in their Academy which makes them qualified for the position,” explained Mrs. Zecharia. 

The next one she pointed to was me. “She’s a newbie and also the hoaxer, Althea from the normal world. Don’t underestimate her for she possesses a unique eye color.” I was surprised when she said that. 

“And their leader, my son, Isaac. He beats everyone that comes on his way. And he possesses the same power as I have but can fight just like his father,” Mrs. Zecharia said. 

We all bowed down to them. I was surprised when someone stood in front of me. From what I’ve heard, he’s the leader, Andrei. “Pleasure to meet you, Althea.” 

I was surprised when he took my hand and kissed it. I immediately pulled my hand away in annoyance. What the hell was that? 

They were all stunned when Isaac stood in front of me. “Stay away from my members.” There seemed to be a threat to Isaac’s voice. The two of them stared at each other. Andrei’s red eyes are intensely looking at Isaac. But eventually, he shrugged and walked away from us.

After the meeting, I told them I’ll just go outside. So, here I am, outside. Watching the raindrops. The rain almost stopped. I catch other drops with my hand. 

Until I felt someone standing behind me. I immediately turned to him and stared at him without any emotion. 

“Didn’t I tell you to fix your hair?” he asked me, but I did not answer. I kept staring at him. My fist was clenched. 

I gasped. “You don’t have any right to control my life.” He was surprised by what I said but I don’t care. 

That’s right. I can’t let this growing feeling in my chest overcome the wall I’ve been building ever since. I will not let myself feel like this. 

“Is this about that night?” he asked, he sounded so confused. “Okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you–” I cut him off. It’s not just that. 

“It’s nothing. Never do that again, and please. Stay away from me as much as you can.” I walked away and passed by him. He was shocked, “It’s nothing. Never do that again, and please. Stay away from me as much as you can.” I walked away and passed by him. He was shocked by what I’ve said. 

I’m sorry. I just don’t want to be hurt. Even if it means pushing you all away.

Alexandria Academy