Chapter 4


Nigel told me about the incident in the elevator, and what Audrina had said. My body coiled in tension as I went to her door and knocked, yet again. 

“Audrina. It’s Gabriel. May I have a word?” 

“Of course, Your Highness.” She opened the door, the ghost of a scowl on her face. 

Scowling or not, I devoured the sight of her. As though I’d been starved, feasting on the sight. She wore a simple, elegant lilac-colored sheath with nude heels. The dress was designer; it fit her curves snugly, accentuating every inch of her luscious body. Her hair was shiny, loose waves tumbling over her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle and perfect, accentuating her already unforgettable, stunning face. 

“Hello,” I said, rather stupidly. 

She arched an eyebrow. “Hello yourself.” 

“We need to talk.” 

She nodded once, then followed me out to the living room. She walked stiffly beside me, careful to keep her distance. I motioned for her to sit, and she dropped onto the couch across from me, crossing her legs at the ankle, as formal and cold as could be. 

Fuck. She was going to leave. And there was little I could do about it… 

“My staff mentioned you intended to break our contract.” 

Audrina nodded once. “I’m assuming we need to discuss the procedure?” Her voice was icy.

“Yes. But we should not do it here. “I suddenly remembered something we’d talked about the day before. 

“Come.” I rose abruptly, heading for the elevator. 

Audrina followed me. Once we were inside, she cursed. “How did you do that?” 

“What?” I asked, as I nonchalantly hit the “up” button. 

“Make the button appear!” She pointed at the lights. “It wasn’t there before-I couldn’t leave!”

“That is because you are contractually obligated to me to stay.” I gave her a pointed look, then allowed myself the pleasure of checking out her round, firm ass in the mirror. What I wouldn’t give to touch her again, to run my hands over her curves, to cup her bottom and pull her to me… 

It was with more resignation than surprise that I felt myself stiffen. My cock would be ridiculously hard the entire time I was around Audrina, whether or not she despised me. 

She frowned. “Where are you taking me?” 

I cleared my throat. “I told you yesterday that we could go into the city today. I keep my promises, Audrina.” 

Her frown turned into a full-blown scowl. “You also said you wouldn’t lie to me.” 

“I didn’t.” 

“But you didn’t tell me you were a vampire.” She crossed her arms against her chest. “Don’t you think that amounts to a lie?” 

“No.” Not technically. “And I was planning to tell you. I simply did not feel that the party was the right place.” 

“But it was the right place for you to drag me off to a dark corner and go down on me.” She huffed, but something about the memory must’ve stirred her-I could smell that scent again, emanating from in between her legs. 

I couldn’t help it-I took a step closer. 

But Audrina shook her head and slid away from me. “O-Oh no, you don’t. I’m not falling for your tricks this time.” 

“My tricks?” I clenched my hands into fists. “I assure you I was not playing when I touched you last night.” 

Her heart rate picked up. “Leonora t-told me what you were doing. She said you were trying to make me your l-love slave.” Her voice trembled. 

“I really should’ve staked that wench,” I said as the door opened to the first floor. “I have few regrets, but that is one of them.”

I motioned for Audrina to exit first, then followed. “Before we go out, we should have a private conversation. I only ask that you take some time to consider what I’m going to tell you.” 

She was quiet as I continued, “If you decide, after hearing me out, that you wish to void the contract-you have my word that you can leave. But I would like the opportunity to explain myself. Is that fair?” 

She frowned again, but then she nodded. “I guess so.”

“Excellent.” We went and sat in the formal sitting room. Sunlight streamed through the windows, and I was confronted with her unparalleled beauty. I drank her in, committing every detail to memory, in case she decided to leave me and never return. 

“I did not tell you I was a vampire because I feared it would frighten you off,” I admitted. “I was trying to reveal my true nature to you in stages, so as not to overwhelm you. First, I told you the truth which is that I would follow our agreement to the letter. I will remind you: I did not touch you unless you expressly asked me to.” 

She nodded, her cheeks flushing. 

“I showed you my true home. I told you the reason my family lives underground-for our protection. That might not have been the entire truth, but it was no lie. Then at the party, you learned I was King of the Underworld. That was already a lot for one evening, don’t you agree?” 

“Yes. But I feel like you left out the most important thing: what you are. I had to find out from your crazy ex-girlfriend, instead.”

Audrina sat rigidly across from me, her heart hammering in her chest. 

“I hadn’t had the opportunity to tell you, yet. I swear I was going to.” 

“But you didn’t, and we…” Her eyes filled with tears. “We did things-things I’ve never done before. In public! And we were going to do more… I was going to ask you to do more…” 

I longed to reach out and take her hand, to comfort her, but I could not. “Audrina, I am so sorry that I hurt you.”

Again, I silently cursed Leonora. She’d done exactly what she’d intended-she’d ruined my chances. The only way I could now win back the human’s affection was to tell her the whole truth, and then hope she would find some reason to continue our arrangement. 

If I could just get Audrina to stay, I might have a chance… The more time I had with her, the better. If she’d felt an inkling of what I’d felt, there still might be a way to make her mine. 

“Let me explain several things to you.” I sat forward, my gaze trained on hers. “First of all, I would never have done anything with you physically that made you uncomfortable. I believed, and still believed, that you consented to our intimacy last night.” 

She nodded, her eyes still shiny with unshed tears. “I did.” 

“And you enjoyed it.” If she was going to leave me, I wanted her to at least admit that our time together had meant something. 

“You know I did.” Her cheeks burned pink. “But please explain what Leonora said. Was that something to do with the c-claiming?” 

“Yes. But claiming is hardly making someone a love slave-Leonora said that to wound you. Do not believe her twisted perspective on things.” I sighed. Claiming is a reciprocal act, one that benefits both parties.” 

There was nothing to do but tell her the truth. “And I desired to claim you last night, Audrina. It is still my desire. But as I promised you, if you “l want out of the contract, you may have it.” 

She fidgeted across from me; her scent became laced with anxiety. “What will happen if I leave? What will happen to Hawthorne Hall?” 

“I am sorry to tell you that if you leave, our agreement is voided. I will take possession of Hawthorne Hall. The offer that I made you will be revoked.” My gaze swept over her. “I wish it could be different, but as I have tried to explain, I am bound by my word.” 

She sucked in a deep breath. “So I could go home, but we would have to leave by the end of the month. And Mrs. Finn-she would return to you. Winnie and I would be where we started, with nothing.” 

I nodded. 

Audrina lifted her chin. “And if I decide to stay? What then?” 

I held still as a feeling I almost did not recognize bubbled inside me. Hope. “If you decide to stay, we can proceed one of two ways.” 

She arched an eyebrow. “I’m listening.” “The first is that we can simply adhere to the terms of the contract as they exist. You will stay for two weeks, after which time I will return you to your home. Hawthorne Hall will revert to you in full. You will also earn the bonus we discussed.” I hesitated. “I could not touch you again, not unless you gave me express permission. I would continue to protect you from other vampires. I assure you; you would not encounter another situation such as last night. Leonora will spend the next century behind bars.” 

She seemed to process this information for a moment. “What about the other option?” 

“The alternative, if you remain, is that I could claim you. That is my preference. I believe I told you that by entering such an arrangement, you would be mine and only mine. By supernatural law, once I consummate my claim, no other vampire could touch you.” 

“Leonora mentioned something about that, too. She said you’d left me…vulnerable.” Audrina’s face clouded over. “So if you’d claimed me-sorry, if you had consummated your claim-she couldn’t have attacked me like that?”

“Correct. She would have been physically unable to touch you.” 

“Huh.” She appeared to mull that for a moment. 

“So if I stay, we should do that just to be safe. Not that I’m staying.” Audrina’s brow furrowed. “But if I did, it would be safer for me if you claimed me, and we consummated it.” 

“Yes. It would offer you a constant, impenetrable supernatural protection.” I hesitated before I continued. “But claiming isn’t as simple as that. There are terms to the agreement, terms you would have to understand before you said yes.” 

“I’m not saying yes to anything, but I still want to know the details,” Audrina said. “I want to understand.” 

I cleared my throat. “When a vampire claims a human virgin, he must first state his intention. I believe I have already done that, but I will say it again: I want you to be mine, Audrina.” 

She looked at me, then quickly looked away.

“The next step is that the virgin must give informed consent. This means that the vampire must explain the terms of the contract to her, and she must accept them. Finally, the claim must be consummated.” My cock, which had shown no sign of calming down, stiffened further. It seemed to reach out to Audrina, trying to convince her that this was the option she should choose. 

She didn’t look at me when she asked, “And that happens when…?” 

“Consummation occurs when the vampire takes the human’s virginity, while simultaneously drinking from her.” 

Audrina shuddered. “Wouldn’t that kill the virgin?” 

“No.” My expression softened. “No, my Audrina, it is very pleasurable. Humans will experience ecstasy, unlike anything they could encounter in their world. Mating while being bitten is the greatest pleasure any human virgin could ever feel. It is also the apex of rapture for a vampire.” 

Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and I continued.

“Drinking from a human does not kill them. Many humans enjoy the act of being bitten in and of itself. And with a proper diet, the human’s blood naturally replenishes itself. It is perfectly safe.” 

“So…that’s consummation.” She coughed. “What are the other terms of the claiming?” 

“It’s a permanent arrangement.” 

She froze, but I continued. “It can only be ended one of three ways: by the vampire and the virgin marrying, and the virgin eventually being turned; by the death of either the vampire or the virgin, or by the virgin’s release by the vampire.” 

Audrina took a deep breath. “And you were willing to do that to me, after one night? You were willing to claim me even though it’s permanent?”

“Yes,” I said simply. “When you have existed for so long as I have, it becomes easy to ascertain when something extraordinary, something precious, comes along. I have never wanted someone as much as I want you, Audrina. You call to me in a way that I cannot explain—in a way I will not deny. To make you mine would be the honor of my existence.” 

She opened her mouth and then closed it. 

“You do not need to answer me now.” I rose. “Let’s get some fresh air. You can give me your answer when we return. If you stay, our plane for Las Vegas leaves in a few hours.” 

She seemed dazed. “The party in Vegas-it’s tonight?” 

I nodded. Then I headed for the door, holding it open for my Audrina. 

I had put my cards on the table. 

Now, it was time to see the hand that fate would deal me.
