Chapter 12


What. The. Fuck. 

I wasn’t sure what Bianca had been advising Audrina to do, but whatever it was, it was working. When she’d sat on my lap and rubbed up against me, I had to stop myself from grinding against her. A dark force was taking over me, one that didn’t listen to reason, one that had no intention of stopping. Must. Have. The Virgin. 

I’d moved her off me before she pushed me over the edge. But my cock was still insanely hard, raging. The beast was demanding to be unleashed. 

I glanced at Audrina-she’d finished her drink and was eating some sort of chocolate mousse, deliberately sucking on her spoon. Fuuuuck. My virgin vampire bait had somehow learned a trick or two over the last twenty-four hours. I could blame Bianca, but more likely, I should blame myself. I’d awakened something inside of her, an energy that was ravenous, sexy, and intent on being satisfied. 

Remember what I told you about the Beast? Women wanted it badly. Audrina wanted it.

And while I did not blame her in the least, that did not mean I was going to let her have it so easily. She might think that she had control, but there could only be one Master.

The dinner ended, and our party drifted back toward the elevators. Everyone was laughing and chatting, having a great time. Each of my single brothers had zeroed in on a pretty bridesmaid. Even Stefan, still sour about losing that hellhound, looked as though his mood had improved as a redhead in a minuscule emerald dress stuck her chest out at him. 

Bianca had sworn this was going to be a night no one would forget. I had little doubt that she was correct. But before things got out of hand, we had to make sure the proper precautions were in place. 

“Julian, Cristian, Stefan, Alexander.” My brothers tore themselves away from the throng of women surrounding them and headed my way. “The security team is already in place. You have invited some local vampires, I understand?”

Julian nodded. “We also invited some of our California friends-they’re a bit wild, I’m afraid. They’re ready to party.” 

“The west coast contingent always is.” Stefan smiled. 

“Just make sure that nothing gets out of hand.” Our brethren in California did have a bit of a wild streak-they liked to push boundaries. “We have screened all the humans attending? Do we have NDAs on file for all of them?” 

Alexander rolled his eyes. “Yes, brother. You know we wouldn’t be lax for an event like this. Everyone has been vetted.” 

“How many humans are there?” I asked. 

Cristian looked thoughtful. “At last count, just under a hundred.” 

“A hundred?” 

Cristian laughed. “Don’t be such a prude, brother. Just because you only desire to taste one does not mean the rest of us are restricted. The more the merrier, I say!”

I glowered at them and sent them on their way. Thankfully, Audrina and I got an elevator to ourselves. She looked thoughtful as we rode it down. “There will be a hundred humans at this party?” 

“A hundred and one,” I reminded her. 

“Ha. Of course. I guess I’m just…surprised.” She swallowed hard. She seemed to be oscillating between bravado and nerves. “That there are so many of my kind that know about you.” 

I nodded. “Our app is very popular in Vegas.”

“Ah.” She hesitated for a moment. Will your brothers and the other vampires-will they drink from the human guests?”


“Will they have sex with them?” She raised her gaze to meet mine.


“A-At the party.” It wasn’t a question; it was a conclusion.

“Yes, Audrina. But as I told you, we do not have to stay.” I allowed my voice to become gentle. “Not even for a minute.” 

“Do you want to stay?” She kept close to my side as the doors opened and we crossed the lobby. “Do you like to… Do you like to watch?” 

I waited to answer until we were tucked inside the SUV, which whisked us back down the Strip. “It depends,” I answered honestly. “It’s probably the way many humans feel about porn. Sometimes it excites me at a base level, and it makes me want to fuck. Other times, I find it boring. And sometimes I find the obsession and constant excesses of my kind a bit nauseating. Depends on my mood, I suppose.” 

Audrina watched my face closely. “When was the last time you…” 

“I told you it’s been decades since I last had sex, Audrina. I have not kept track.” 

“Do you miss it?” She sounded genuinely curious. 

“When I let myself think of it.” I shrugged. “I’m very rigid with myself. I’ve made my choices for a reason, and once I commit to something, I don’t experience regret.” 

“Must be nice.” She blew out a deep breath. 

When she was being herself like this, it was very difficult to withdraw from her. I hadn’t had someone in my life who’d asked me such candid questions or been so interested in the answers…ever. 

“Why did you push me away back at the restaurant?” Now it was her voice that was husky. 

I sighed. “Because I didn’t want to ejaculate in my suit.”

She burst out laughing and I couldn’t help it; I did the same. 

“Can I…” Audrina looked up at me. “Can I come closer to you?” 

I nodded once. “You can touch me as you wish.” 

She lifted her chin. “I gave you permission to touch me.” 

As if I’d forgotten. “I haven’t decided about that, yet.” 

A flash of hurt crossed her face, but it was gone so quickly I might’ve imagined it. “I don’t want to touch you if you don’t want me to,” she said quickly. 

I raised an eyebrow. “When did I say that?” I motioned to myself. “Proceed, Audrina. I’m quite capable of speaking up if I feel the need.” 

Her gaze raked over me for a moment, thoughtfully, as if she were weighing something. 

But then she seemed to decide. She slid directly onto my lap, her dress short enough so it was easy to straddle me. Fuck. I stifled a groan, but nothing could stifle my enormous erection, thick and heavy between us. 

Audrina’s eyes glittered as she sidled up to the beast. Her gaze locked with mine as she inched her hips closer so that she was pressed against it. Emboldened by my obvious attraction, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately, her tongue seeking mine. 

“Mmm.” She pressed her wet heat against me, seeking friction, seeking a response. 

For as long as I could, I held perfectly still.

But as Audrina lost herself in the moment, her instincts took over. Her body called to mine. Her blood, her sex—all of it pulsed around me, ensnaring me. I was helpless to resist. She continued to grind; she would not be denied. 

My cock was so hard, the friction felt so good, that I was about to burst. 

Our tongues connected and a surge of electricity jolted through me, straight to the tip of the beast. I throbbed for her. Moaning, I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against me, relishing the feel of her soft skin. Unable to stop myself, I grabbed Audrina by the hips, drew her onto me, and pulsed her on top of my raging erection. 

She moaned, arching her back. 

Yes. Up and down, up and down. We were almost-fucking with our clothes on. Yes. So. Close. Dazed, I lost myself in the moment. It wasn’t enough, but it scratched the surface. I would tear that lacy scrap of a thong off, bury myself in her, make her scream while I claimed her maidenhead once and for all…

“Sir.” The driver coughed through the intercom. “We’re here. Do you need a moment?” 

“No.” My voice was ragged as I picked up Audrina and abruptly placed her on the seat beside me. “We’re ready.” 

I sat there, breathing hard. I needed to get my shit together! 

Audrina started to object, but I held up my hand. “I will not dry-hump you in the backseat of a car like some horny teenager,” I growled, even though I’d done just that. 

The master of self-restraint had been unable to stop just now, overtaken by a burning desire, unlike anything I’d ever felt. I’d almost fucked her with my goddamn pants on. I’d almost taken her without claiming her, without following the rules. Fuck! 

I took another deep breath and straightened my shoulders. “We must go to the party.”

“Of course,” Audrina said breathlessly. She adjusted her hair and smoothed her dress, her scent wafting over me. 

Fuck. She reeked of desire. Every vampire would be sniffing around my double virgin. My brothers would be watching us like hawks. I needed to keep my wits about me and not let the beast control the outcome of the evening. 

I had plans for Audrina. They did not include a margin for error. I tightened the knot of my tie and buttoned my jacket, although there was no fooling my virgin now.

The Beast was out of the bag. She knew I wanted her; she knew I could barely control myself. But I must. I must find that power within myself so that I did not take action that, while momentarily satisfying, obliterated my ultimate goal. 

I eyed Audrina; the irony of the situation was not lost on me. I wanted her so badly that I needed to push her away. It was a delicate balance, impossible but necessary to navigate. 

I held out my hand for her. “Are you ready?”

She shook out her hair and smiled at me, an angel’s smile. “Yes.” 

But did I imagine it, or was there the glint of the devil in her eye? 

We headed back into the hotel and took the elevator down, everything flashing by in a glitzy, Vegas blur. All I could focus on was my virginity. Her creamy skin beckoned beneath the crimson of her dress. However they’d applied her makeup at the spa had made it bulletproof; she was still perfectly made-up, not a sparkle out of place. 

“I’m excited about the party-or at least, for as long as we stay.” She grinned up at me, eyes glittering. 

That was not my imagination. That was the devil. I knew it well. 

“Me too.” But I stayed on my side of the elevator. In truth, I was not looking forward to the party at all; I had a feeling it was going to quickly turn into an orgiastic event, the vampires drinking and fucking their way through the many eager human guests. Watching others mate wasn’t usually particularly stirring to me, but tonight was different.

Tonight, the Beast was awakened. 

Audrina didn’t stop smiling, looking up at me with those big eyes. Oh fuck. My virgin was trouble in that dress. 

The worst part? She knew it. She was toying with me. 

But two could play that game…
