Chapter 13


The elevator doors opened to the underground floor, and I relaxed. This was my domain. The Underworld was my natural habitat; there, among the creatures of the darkness, I knew my true power and place. I glanced at Audrina. Her posture was as erect as my cock. She tossed her hair, her scent wafting over me again, and gave me a knowing smile. 

I didn’t smile back. Instead, I stared straight ahead as we made our way to the party. 

Bianca had outdone herself, Vegas style. Music throbbed around us as we entered the club, which was decorated in the signature colors of the vampire, black and red. The party was already packed. Bodies swarmed the dance floor, moving to the thumping bass of the music. Rotating slightly above the dance floor were gold cages with scantily clad dancers writhing inside. 

I’d been to such a party before and knew what would happen in those cages soon enough. 

In true Vegas style, other entertainers were dazzling the guests: contortionists twisting themselves into human pretzels, acrobats somersaulting around swings, and performers eating fire. I sniffed the air; the scent was electric, a mixture of sharp anticipation, the thrill of fear, and the heavy musk of desire. 

And also-vampires. There were many foreign vampires that I did not know. I quickly scanned the room, locating a knot of well-dressed men and women who were staying in their circle. 

One of them must have sensed my presence; she turned to face me. She was quite tall and looked young, and of Nordic descent; she had alabaster skin, pale eyes, and ash-blond hair that tumbled in curls across her shoulders. She wore a sparkling gown in all the colors of the rainbow, which showcased her lithe body. She had a powerful energy, one that would not be ignored. 

Her gaze flickered briefly over Audrina, and she inhaled deeply. Then she nodded at me. 

I nodded back. 

“Gabriel, Audrina-over here!” Bianca waved to us from the bar.

We navigated the crowd. I protectively pulled Audrina against me, and she leaned closer, luxuriating in the feel of the beast against her ass again. Fuck! I was immortal, but she still might kill me tonight. She had me under her spell, one that was not broken by a crowded party or the energy of a strange vampire. 

We separated when we reached the others, but Bianca gave me a knowing look. “Having a good time?” she asked. “I haven’t decided yet.” I scowled as she handed out shot glasses to all of us, including my brothers and the bridesmaids. “Who is that vampire over there-the blond?” I asked Bianca. “She has a noticeable energy.” 

Bianca nodded. “That’s Neveah-Princess Neveah. She’s from the west coast contingent.” 

My scowl deepened. “I don’t know of any Princess Neveahs.” 

“That’s because she claimed herself a Princess. It’s not a birthright.” Bianca’s gaze flicked swiftly to the other group of vampires before she continued, “They have warned me about her. Although she’s quite young, my friends who know her say that she is power hungry—she’s risen quickly through their ranks.” 

“Hmm.” It was my business to be aware of vampires who sought more power. Sometimes they could be of use, sometimes they were trouble. I will introduce myself to her at some point. But perhaps not tonight.” 

I tucked Audrina protectively beside me. Of course, the other vampires would have already detected her scent and determined that she was a double virgin. “Do they know…?”

“Audrina is safe.” Bianca’s bright-blue eyes were wide as she shook her head. “We informed the other vampires that there would be a double virgin among us tonight. They are aware she’s off-limits, a special guest of the King. Julian made sure that security knows Audrina’s our top priority. She is my friend, Gabriel. I would not take liberties with her safety.” 

“Thank you.” Despite my vow to keep her at arm’s length, I hugged Audrina to my side. 

My virgin looked up at me. “Are you worried about something?”

“Not at all,” I assured her. “There are no threats. Just vampires I have not met before, which makes me cautious. You are protected-just stay by me.” 

Of course, I’d said that the night before, and Leonora had attacked her. I drew her even closer to me; I did not make the same mistakes twice. 

“Everyone is safe and well. We will enjoy ourselves tonight-even the king.” Bianca winked at me. “Excuse me for a moment.” Bianca worked her way through our group, pouring out shots of liquor with gold flecks in it.

“What’s this?” Stefan asked, inspecting his drink. 

“It’s called Ménage à trois.” Bianca waggled her eyebrows. “In case you want to double your fun tonight.” 

“Always, sister, always. Send all the redheads my way-I’ll have a Menage a Rousse.” Stefan chuckled, then raised his glass to her. “To my new sister, Bianca! We are blessed to welcome you to the Dalca family!” 

“To Bianca!” Our party toasted the bride.

She poured another round of shots, and this time, Alexander raised his glass. “Iulian, Bianca…we are so thrilled for you both. To an eternity of happiness. To the bride and groom!” 

“To the bride and groom!” 

Everyone, including Audrina, knocked back their second shot. “Woah.” She coughed. “That was something.” 

Bianca winked at her. “You are something. Now remember what I said-relax and have fun!”

Julian whirled her off to the dance floor, and I cradled Audrina against me. 

She peered up at me. “Your moods are giving me emotional whiplash. One minute, I’m on your lap. The next, you won’t look at me. And now I’m back by your side…” She eyed me up and down. “But what’s next?” 

“I am trying to be a gentleman. But you’re making it difficult.” 

“Why?” She giggled, then hiccupped. 

“No more alcohol, Audrina.” My voice was a warning. 

“Why ever not, Master?” She batted her eyelashes at me. 

“You keep this act up, and I will bend you over my knee.” 

“Promise?” With a waggle of her eyebrows, she broke away from me and headed toward the bar. 

I leaped to her side, a hiss on my lips. The humans scurried out of my way, but some of the vampires watched with interest. Would the vampire king finally tame his virgin?

It was a great question. I only wished I knew the answer… 


“Yes, Master?” She didn’t look at me as she ducked through the throng at the bar. She smiled and waved to the vampire bartender. 

He started to smile back, but one look at me, and he halted. “Shall I pour something for the lady, Your Highness?” 

“A Strawberry Refresher,” I grunted, “and don’t spike it. I’d like a virgin one.”

“Ha ha.” Audrina glared at me. “But I’ve had enough of virgins-haven’t you?” 


The bartender handed her a pink drink with a sprig of mint, and she took a begrudging sip. 

“Virgin ones taste best, don’t you think?” 

“I honestly couldn’t tell you.” She sighed. “I have nothing to compare it to.” 

My gaze raked over her. Audrina’s frustration was palpable. I felt her pain, but the game she was playing was too dangerous. “What’s wrong,” I asked, “besides your emotional whiplash, as you call it?” 

“First of all, I’d like a real drink.” She tilted her pink drink back and forth. “Although this is good. But it’s a party, and I want… I want things.” 

“I want things, too.” 

Her face lit up. “Then why don’t we go and do things? Let’s go and do all the things!” 

I sighed. “Audrina…”

“Don’t be such a buzzkill,” she whispered, and pressed herself against me, moving in time to the music. “You only live once.” 

“I’m immortal. I live once, but it’s for eternity.” If I messed this up, I could lose her forever. 

“All I’m asking for is tonight.” Her breath was cool on my cheek, her body hot beneath my touch.

“Bianca said we should have fun. Can you help me? I’m not even sure what that means.” 

I sighed a hiss. “I’m not sure, either.” 

“Maybe we could figure it out. Together.” Her lips were pouty, begging to be kissed, her eyes wide with expectation. 

Fuck. The beast strained out toward her. I was on the verge of letting her have-it-all of me, to the hilt, as I buried myself inside her. Must. Get. Control. 

“Bartender-I’d like a Macallan.” I needed something to occupy me besides Audrina. But she still looked up at me, pouty and expectant, as he poured my drink. Her expression spoke clearly. On the one hand, she was worried she would not get what she wanted. On the other, she was certain that I wouldn’t be able to hold out. 

I grabbed my glass in one hand, my virgin in the other, and dragged her to an open space along the wall. 

Audrina eyed my hand, still wrapped around her upper arm. “You’re doing it again. I don’t know what you’re thinking,


“I don’t know what I’m thinking, either.” I unwillingly released her arm. 

She sighed as she settled in next to me, both of our backs against the wall, watching the party. As I’d predicted, the tone of the evening was quickly shifting. The humans and the vampires had been flirting, but there was a fresh charge in the air, powered by the loss of inhibition fueled by alcohol. Couples were moving against each other closely, intensely, on the dance floor. The humans had accepted our invitation for a reason; they came here for action. 

The vampires were more than happy to oblige. 

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Of the close to one-hundred human guests, I detected only three besides Audrina who had never been bitten. No one else was a double virgin, of course—that was something rarely encountered in venues such as this. 

I opened my eyes to find Audrina gaping up at the nearest golden cage. The dancer inside had stripped out of her tiny costume and invited a large male vampire inside. She performed a sensual dance for her vampire guest, who watched with a hooded gaze. 

Soon, he pulled her to him. He kissed her passionately, running his hands over her naked flesh. She unzipped his pants and they fell away, revealing his enormous hard-on. He immediately positioned it between her legs, hips flexing as he slowly eased into her, then began to fuck. She was ready for him. Her head lolled back as he drove long, fluid strokes into her. She cried out and begged for more, clawing at his ass; he thrust deeper, pumping his hard length as she spasmed around him. 

Everyone in the crowd watched, transfixed, as the handsome, strapping vampire threw his head back. His fangs flashed. A collective gasp-more like a moan-shuddered through the onlookers. 

He plunged his fangs into the dancer’s neck. She cried out, stiffening in pleasure, as the vampire drank deeply from her. The dancer clawed at him, pulling him closer, and he resumed his deep, rhythmic thrusting. She orgasmed again and her cries echoed, ultimately getting lost in the music. 

Almost immediately, similar acts were occurring in the other cages; the dancers invited the sexy vampire of their choice to join them, and soon, groans of pleasure erupted throughout the room. The activity did not go unnoticed by the rest of the party. There were stares and whispers from the humans as the vampires sized them up. 

Soon enough, the three humans who’d never been bitten before were being propositioned by multiple vampires; that’s how we rolled. We craved pure human blood. It was the best, like my top-shelf whisky. 

Stefan’s little redhead won one of the blood virgins, a handsome, muscled young man with a buzz cut. She circled him appreciatively, taking his full measure, while Stefan stood off to the side and watched. 

Audrina was watching them, too. “W-What’s going to happen?” 

“She will take him,” I said simply.

“And S-Stefan?” 

“He will take her.” 

Further explanation was unnecessary, as Stefan’s hot bridesmaid got right to the point. She kissed the blood virgin, rubbing herself seductively against him. His erection was visible from across the room. She took it in her hand, milking him, and the young man groaned with desire. She whispered something to him, and he nodded. 

Then she bared her fangs and drove them into his neck.

He cried out in pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head, as Stefan approached his bridesmaid from behind. He grabbed her hips in his hands and began lifting her dress. 

“Oh, boy.” Audrina clapped a hand over her eyes. “S-sorry-I can’t watch that.” 

“Me either.” I laughed and finished my drink. Despite the cries of pleasure flaring all around us, I felt strangely calm, detached. The debauchery didn’t interest me—I suddenly felt free. I was the Master. Even the Beast had to answer me.

I knew that no matter how much I wanted her, my baser desires would not control me. 

“Would you like to leave, my Audrina?” 

She took my hand, her eyes on me only. “Yes. Please.” 

Without another word, we swept from the room. 

Once we were alone, in the cool air of the underground lobby, she let out a shaky laugh. “You warned me.” 

“Vampires are pretty predictable. We have very specific tastes.” 

She nodded. Her skin was flushed, and her eyes were wide. She looked as though she needed a moment, so I was quiet as we waited for the elevator. 

About halfway to the penthouse suite, she seemed to find her voice again. “What… What are we going to do for the rest of the night?” 

“I have some ideas.” 

She raised her eyebrows. 

“You mentioned fun.” Smiling, I took both her hands in mine and tugged her against me. “Perhaps we should try that.”
