A Crown of Flames: Unveiling the Fiery Elegance

Chapter 20

Lorcan My arm was broken, of that I had no doubt. The bone was shattered, the ligaments torn. Torn ligaments were starting to become something I was growing accustomed to. Raelan stood in his shirtsleeves and trousers, an arrogance wafting about him as he cut the air with his sword. He would try to kill me. The rules were saying couldn’t. Death was an unfortunate side effect of entering the arena. Even if it were not the conditions we were fighting for, he could easily slice. his sword through my body, giving me a mortal wound. My bones could break, my muscles tear, and I would eventually heal. I could walk through fire without a trace of a blister, but a sword in my heart would still kill me. I was not immortal. Looking at Raelan’s abandoned armor that bared the flesh of my father, my mortality was never clearer.

The magistrate entered for the final time. “A battle of steel. The man to draw first blood is crowned the victor.”

The trumpets blasted, and I felt my blood pulsating in beat with the drums. I had not practiced with my father in years, but I still practiced alone out in the woods. There was no one to mock me there, and therefore no one knew what I was capable of.

We walked to each other and gave the expected bow, but no sooner had I dipped my head than Raelan was upon me with his sword. I met his steel with my own, and the clash of wills began. I worked twice as hard to meet his blade for the hand I was using was my right, and I feared it would betray me. Raelan was quick as would expect him to be. He was in his prime, spent his days practicing and feasting, but had never had to use his skills in real life. Neither had I, of course, but I could detect the predictability of his swing. The choreographed rhythm he used gave no cause for ingenuity, and I began to push myself harder as I learned the pattern of his repetition.

Then, as if caught in the spider’s web, he changed his dance and caught me off guard, causing me to back up as he attacked me, his blows harder, the need to draw my blood apparent on his face. The crowds cheered as we met face to face, our blades pressed tightly within inches from our bodies. Raelan was red with rage, and I stared him down, taming the dragon that wanted to burst free and finish him off.

With a kick of my leg, he had me on my back, my sword thrown from my weaker hand. He brought his blade down upon me as if to chop me straight in two, but I rolled out of the way and picked my sword up…with my left hand.

“I believe that is your broken arm,” Raelan spoke haughtily.

I swung the sword, fully extending my arm, showing him how wrong he had been. His eyes widened in fear as he realized I had been holding back. “Funny thing about shifters.” I swung my sword, knocking the blade out of his hand. Then with a strong kick, had him on his back. “We heal quite quickly.” I brought my blade upon him and slipped the sword under his shirt, slicing it open and revealing his bare chest. I had the sword at his heart. Raelan trembled beneath my blade.

“Go on, do it! I knew you would not respect the rules! You led me out here under pretenses.” I raised the sword from his chest and placed it at his throat.

“Tell them the truth.”

“And what truth would that be, Lorcan? That I lie with men? The whole kingdom suspects already. There is no shame in that.”

“That is something I could care less about. I am in no position to condemn you for who you love. Now tell them.”

Raelan looked at me, then his eyes rolled back to take in the crowd that had grown quiet as they waited to see what I would do. I pressed the blade deeper against his throat, careful not to cut. “All right.” He coughed. “I poisoned the king.”


“I poisoned King Savio. And for the mutilation, he ordered on my lover, I would do it again! He was a villain, and you all wanted him dead.” The crowd started and then shouts of his sentence emanated throughout the arena.



“Kill him!

For too many years the kingdom had been soiled by the reign of a tortuous king. He had poisoned their mind, their temperament so fickle they followed blindly whoever held the sword.

“Well, King Lorcan…” Raelan’s words were dripping with venom. “Slit my throat. You know that’s what you want. If it were up to me, your mother’s head would have been on the block.”

“If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it yesterday in the throne room. My conditions for this tournament were to first blood. What good would it be to begin my reign with a lie?”

I ran my blade lightly over his chest, tracing an imaginary letter. “Should I make my mark as you once tried to make yours? Shall I slice the letter D into your chest? Make you wear your shame?”

Raelan whimpered beneath my blade. “Wherever you go, whoever sees your skin and asks why you have such a scar carved into your very flesh, you can say this is the mark of Drago and the rightful ruler of Borvo.” I looked at him with hatred for what he had put my mother through, and when he closed his eyes preparing his body for the pain of my blade, I swung my sword up and across his cheek instead. Raelan cried, more in shock than in pain, and reached for his bloody cheek. I stepped back and raised my hand to the crowd. The people cheered and stood to applaud their new king. Flowers were thrown down at my feet, but Raelan remained on the floor, looking at me in shock.

“You didn’t kill me,” he said.

“No, but you are hereby exiled. You shall be taken across the Salted Sea on the next trading ship and are never to set foot on my lands again.” Raelan looked past me to the squire who now ran with the physician to his side to attend to his minor flesh wound. The squire looked at me, unable to speak, but wanting to say so much.

“His punishment is yours to share if you wish. I will not separate you, but I will not allow him to stay either. If you choose to be with him, you must be exiled as well. He is charged with the assassination attempt on the life of the king and the false accusation of Cora Tarak to cover it up. I cannot reward him for such crimes.” The squire nodded and placed a hand on Raelan’s arm. He opened his mouth to speak and only two undetectable sounds came out.

“He said he will go,” Raelan translated.

“So be it. May the gods watch over you both.”

Raelan and his squire were escorted out of the arena by a few guards. The magistrate approached the ring and stood by my side. “Good people of Borvo! All hail your new king!” The people all stood to their feet. All but the queen, who no longer knew her place in this world. Her gaze drifted across the crowd, her expression lost to the uncertainty of her future. I would deal with her at another time.

“I am Lorcan, Son of Charon, and the protection of all citizens of Borvo is the duty of my reign!”

The people began to cheer as Isolde ran from her corner of the arena and jumped into my arms. I dropped the sword and lifted her higher. She bent down, took my face in her hands, and kissed her king.

Chapter 21

Isolde The funeral pyre of the remains of Charon was the first order of business that Lorcan saw. His wings were burned for all to see, as was the throne and armor that bore his skin and that of his kin. Their spirits finally allowed to ascend to the gods, rising with the flames to the heavens.

“I thought a dragon cannot burn?” I asked, puzzled, as Lorcan ignited the pyre with his torch.

“Once the spirit is free, we must return to the ashes. The remains will be taken to Lassair and sprinkled over the land. Charon will rest with my mother, Aelwyd, once more.”

As the flames encircled the pyre, the smoke rising high, I could see Lorcan was restless. I took the torch out of his hands and kissed his cheek. “Fly with his spirit as he ascends.” Lorcan removed his cloak that had the pin of the Clan Drago and I tucked it over my arm. When he walked into the flames, the people panicked, convinced the flames would consume their king, who in grief went to his father’s remains. But out of the flames rose the dragon, a black-winged beauty who soared up to the heavens, carrying the spirits of his clan on the wind of his back.


That night, we remained in the palace. Alone in the sanctuary of my bed, we made love. The room was flickering with candlelight, creating a warm, protective ambiance. I wanted to freeze time to take in how handsome Lorcan was surrounded by the luminescent glow. Even the smallest amount of fire made him shine.

As Lorcan settled himself between my thighs, whispering words of devotion, I had to remind myself that it was all over. That world of hate and destruction was gone. He was here, with me, exactly how I wanted him. I was no longer engaged to Raelan, and Lorcan was not splayed upon the rack. Our enemies were gone, and I had found the love of my life.

Now, as Lorcan laid a trail of kisses down my breasts, I was finally able to breathe without the fear of what awaited us. Closing my eyes, I relaxed into his touch and submitted myself to his command. He was gentle, moving slowly, allowing me to enjoy every sensation of our union. He kissed my lips tenderly, and I heard the faintest rumble of a purr emanate from his throat.

“Are you sure you are a dragon? For a moment, you sounded rather feline,” I teased.

“I’m sure.” He ignored my jest, kissing me in a way that claimed my mouth. His tongue was hot and sent a current of sparks through my core as it slid across mine. Lorcan pushed his shaft deeper, burying himself inside me. Yes, the way he was dominating me now, there was no doubt that he was the dragon. Lost to the ecstasy, I arched my back, wanting to sheath every inch of him. Lorcan moaned into my mouth, and I was his. My body blissfully melted against the heat of his touch. I snaked my arm around his neck and pulled him closer. Our tongues danced together, hungry for each other. It felt as though it were our first time.

In a way, perhaps it was. It was the first time we were truly free to be together. He pulled out slowly, causing me to whimper and my heart rate to quicken in anticipation of his return, and then he did; his shaft slick with my arousal probed deeper, making me gasp as I felt him everywhere. I ran my hands down the length of his back, enjoying how the muscles rippled and flexed beneath his skin. He was thrusting faster now, and I knew he was close. The intimacy of our love was tangible, the euphoric veil wrapped around my senses, causing me to dig my fingers into the small of his back to pull him closer. I desired nothing else but this moment, wanting to remain entangled together for all eternity.

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