Chapter 6

Faded Trust

I woke up when the blinding sunlight coming from the window touched my face. I looked around if I am still there or if it was just a dream. But it was real. I heaved a sigh. 

I took a shower and put on the uniform that Lydia gave me. A blue skirt, white long sleeves with a logo of fire, and a blue necktie. The skirt is too short, so I keep on pulling it down. I already wore black long socks and black shoes with heels to complete the uniform. But I don’t dare to go out of this dorm. This is too embarrassing for me. I’ve never worn a skirt this short. Damn it. 

“I think something is missing.” | turned to Cath and Lydia who were at the door. Wait, how did they get in? Do they know I have my privacy? Tsk. 

“Make-up will do,” Lydia added so I immediately shook my head as she was about to pull her make-up bag out. 

I will never wear make-up. A person’s beauty cannot be measured by that. A girl can be beautiful just by being what they are on the inside. 

“Why?” they asked. Isn’t it obvious that I’m not even aware of how to put make-up on myself? I have no fashion like them. 

“I never wear makeup,” I replied. I tucked in the long sleeves, I also took the backpack they gave me. They gave me school supplies as well. I combed my hair and as usual, my bangs were still down. 

“Let’s go together, Althea,” Lydia said. I just nodded and we left. This is better than walking alone. We walked down the hallway.

At every step, I feel conscious. All of the students were looking at me with their curious faces. I just hope they are not like my classmates at my former school. 

“Don’t mind them, Althea. They’re just not used to seeing a newbie.” I just nodded at what Cath said. I don’t know if I can trust anyone here. All my life, I could only trust myself. 

We entered a spacious room, and only then did I realize that we were in a cafeteria. We approached the counter. Lydia ordered while Cath and I looked for an empty table.

As we sat down, I was surprised when Kristian and Kurt sat down as well. They were so close to me and I can’t help but feel a little annoyed. 

They are all generous yet as if they do not know the word privacy. “Can’t we be dissolved by your stares?” said Kurt looking at me. 

“Don’t mind him. Kurt’s hobby is to predict what you’re thinking,” Lydia whispered as she arrived. “That’s one of the abilities he wants to have.” I was stunned. Ability. Is she serious? I still wonder what she is saying. Did I hear her right? 

“Maybe you’re still confused. We can explain it to you. But for now, just let your mind rest. Stop thinking about things that complicate you,” Kristian said. I just didn’t speak but I still can’t let my guard down to them. 

We just ate but I stopped when I heard footsteps approaching our table. “Leaving your President? Tsk. You idiots!” And that’s when I realized it was Isaac. I can’t believe that even his footsteps have this effect on me. 

He missed his already messy hair. His green eyes were glowing, and I couldn’t help but stare at them, the strand of his eyes was too visible that it amuses me. His lips pursed as if he were annoyed. 

“Officers, Listen!” He started as he sat in front of me. That’s the only place he could sit on. Kurt and Kristian have already taken the other seats. “The 23rd Tournament will be held soon yet we can’t find anyone qualified for our team. We will visit the Magical University tomorrow to meet our opponents. We have to find a new member.” 

They became quiet and everyone seemed to be thinking but I could not keep up with their conversation. For a few more moments they stared at me at once as if the answer to their questions was on my face. 

“What?” I asked, confusingly. They smiled as if their problems have been solved.

“You will join our group!” they said at once. My eyes widened. Me?! I don’t even know what they are talking about! 

“No!” I immediately answered. There’s no way in hell. They frowned as if they won’t take no for an answer. I let out a deep sigh. This is going nowhere. There’s no way in hell I’m going to be part of their group. 

I stood up and walked away. I was already far from their table, but a strong wind flashed in my back that gave a shiver down my spine. “You will be a part of our group. That’s an order, Althea. From the You choose. Either you’ll break it. Or I’ll break you,” Isaac threatened me. Even though he was behind me and I could not see his expression, I knew he was serious. I looked around and saw the students looking at us. We have their attention now. Shit! I hate this. 

“Fine,” I replied, and I walked away. While I’m walking in the silent hallway, I thought about what he said. I guess I could never win against him. He’s too dominant and manipulative and he takes advantage of it. 

I know Isaac’s group will never win against him. He’s too dominant and manipulative and he takes advantage of it. 

I know Isaac’s group will gradually change me. But as much as possible I will refrain from trusting them. I can’t trust anyone anymore. Because everyone I trusted broke me. And I can’t afford to be destroyed again. Not again.

Alexandria Academy