Chapter 9

Training with the Team

When I was a kid, someone once told me that I should not be afraid of the dark. And it turns out that darkness became my companion. I’d rather be in the dark than be in the light and be hurt. I’m afraid of being hurt. 

I was so scared. It sounds funny, But I’m weak. I am weak for I do not want to be hurt. That’s why I don’t want anyone to get close to me. Because when you get close to people, they will have the power to hurt you. And I can’t afford to be hurt because I’m already broken. No one can fix me.

“We’re here in the training room.” We stopped in front of a metal door. We switched to a bigger training room. Isaac opened it and a large room greeted us. Inside the huge room, there’s a long metal table. 

I approached it and I was amazed. There are lots of fighting gear, swords, bows and arrows, katana, and high-quality guns. I approached it and held the sword. Its handle is black and has an engraved silver lining. I smiled when I remembered how many days I had been here. 

This is my third day here at the Academy. But I wouldn’t be able to be comfortable around them. Especially when Lydia told me what was going on at this school.

They have powers and how can I live with that? I mean, I know I have that, too. But I never thought there would be a school that would teach me how to use it. The power they have is based on the color of their eyes. Red-eyed students have the power of fire and air. While blue has the power of ice and water. 

Isaac and his parents have different colored eyes. His father has a violet pair of eyes that consists of three powers: fire, ice, and air. While his mother has a forest-green pair of eyes. It also has three powers. Isaac got the same color eyes as her mother. 

“Althea.” I turned my head and looked at him. “You can use that.” So, he was watching me? This is embarrassing. “You can use that in our training for the 23rd Tournament. If that’s what you want.” 

“Sure,” I answered sparingly and turned my back on him. After that night, I couldn’t talk to him properly. Cath suddenly pulled me closer to them and there I noticed that they were wearing fighting gear already. I turned to Lydia; she was not wearing one.

“Sit down,” Isaac commanded. We sat down and Isaac pulled out a mini blackboard. Then he wrote the word “The 23rd Tournament”. 

“Where is the hoaxer?” Isaac asked. They all looked in my direction. 

“What?” I asked. 

“You’re the hoaxer!” they all shouted at me. I scratched my head and raised my hand in embarrassment. “Where are the warriors?” Kristian and Kurt raised their hands. 

They already know what their position is and what they will do. While I still have no idea. “The Healer?” Cath raised her hand. So, she is the healer? 

“The shooter?” Then Lydia did the same. Isaac is the leader. He possesses the ability to lead and it suits him. I was immediately shaken by the thought. Then Isaac started to explain our responsibilities to the group. 

“Cath, as a healer. You are tasked to find the member as soon as you can. You must study the whole arena.” Cath just nodded at what Isaac had said. “Lydia, you need to be more aware of how our enemies will move. When we go to Magical University, examine each of them. Look at their profiles. Memorize how they move.” Lydia nodded suddenly. 

You can see their respect for Isaac even though they are just the same age. “Kurt and Kristian, warriors’ job is to fight, endlessly. As long as you get points, don’t stop. You will be subjected to much training until you’re ready.” Isaac turned to me. “Hoaxer’s job is to distract and deceive other players inside the arena. But just like the warrior and the shooter, the hoaxer has to fight for the group, too. So, you will also be involved in many pieces of training,” Isaac explained to me. 

“And as your Leader…” Isaac sighed. “I have to stay alive so that the points we get inside the arena will not be wasted.” 

“What makes this tournament deadly? ” I asked out of nowhere. Isaac looked at me again and I averted my gaze. I can’t even stare at him because of his penetrating gaze and the strands of his glowing eyes. 

“This tournament measures our ability to fight. Supposedly, this is just a stepping stone to Alexandria Academy. It just tests how ready this Academy is when there is a war. So, we are the selected students who are willing to gamble their lives and that is us.” He looked at us one by one. “Try to stay alive or I’ll kill you,” he said making them laugh. 

“We will, President,” they said at once. I noticed Isaac’s emotion. He’s happy, and at the same time nervous. He is scared. But why? He’s so much ready for this. More than we are. “Let’s start the training!” he shouted, and we stood up.

They gave me fighting gear to wear. “We will all be training for us to know how to defend ourselves inside the arena.” When I heard that I couldn’t even believe it. This world changed everything I used to believe in. Who would believe that there’s a school for people who have abilities and powers like me? 

“First fight, Cath vs. Althea!” I was immediately surprised when I heard that. I don’t know anything about this yet! “Start the simulator,” Isaac told Kristian. 

Kristian immediately did what Isaac said. Cath and I walked in the middle of the hologram. I was nervous but I tried so hard not to show it. 

“Ready?! 1…2…” Isaac stared at me and Cath with a serious look. “…3, go!” 

Then the next thing happened, Cath and I was in a forest. I could no longer see the rest of the team, but I know they were just there. Watching us. It’s just the simulator that brought us into this illusion. I’m sure, that’s what Isaac explained earlier. 

“Let’s start. Shall we?” Cath’s voice isn’t like the usual. She seems to be serious in this fight. I’m doomed.

Alexandria Academy