Chapter 16


Bianca had been right about a couple of things. First of all, men were babies. Gabriel hadn’t let Master come out to play until I wanted to leave the party, and I had convinced him I wanted him and only him. Duh. 

Second, the Brazilian wax was a fucking great idea. Sex, or what had almost been sex, felt ah-mazing. The way his cock had slid against me…oh my. 

Now here I was, ready to give myself to him. All of myself. And he wouldn’t take me!

So it was left for me to do the taking, which was exactly what I was doing by taking this situation into my own hands. Actually, I was taking myself into my own hands, but I couldn’t get sidelined with semantics right now. Just like I couldn’t get sidelined with thoughts about my real life, the one at Hawthorne Hall, where my sister waited… 

Stop it! What was the other thing Bianca had said? Yes-that was it? Winnie would want me to be happy. Of course, she would! 

But fuck. I could never leave her. 

I glanced at Gabriel, who stared down at me with his angel’s face and the body of an insanely jacked-up Greek god. How was I supposed to ever leave him? 

I pushed the thoughts to the side, trading those aches for another-the one between my legs. He had to take me. He might be immortal, but I’d waited for my own personal freaking eternity to be with someone, and now I had the chance to be with Him. No one else would ever, could ever, take Gabriel’s place. He was one of a kind to the world, to me. I had to make him see. 

And I would. Me, little Audrina Hawthorne, virgin extraordinaire. It was time to grow up in a different way than I was used to-not the worrying, the feeling of powerlessness, the sense that life was happening to me. 

Tonight, I had a choice. The first of many. 

I needed to step into my power. 

“I want you to take me,” I said again. 

“I cannot do that, my angel.” He sighed as he lay back on the bed, the Anaconda ramrod straight, pointing at the ceiling as if in giant accusation. 

“You told me the steps.” My voice shook. “You make the proposal and explain the terms of the arrangement. You did that.” 

“Yes, I did-” 

“Then the double virgin accepts the terms of the arrangement. Which I did I do. I accept!” 

Gabriel cursed under his breath. 

“Then the next step is you bite her and take her virginity!” I hollered. 

“I won’t do it.” 

“Fine.” I opened my legs further and started touching myself. I was so wet, it was ridiculous. “Who needs you, anyway?”

I closed my eyes and found my clitoris, rubbing furiously. It didn’t feel as good as when he did it, but whatever. I felt desperate, my body shaking as I sought my release. I needed it, needed something… 

Gabriel groaned. I opened one eye and glared at him. 

He had his hand on the anaconda, and he was stroking it. 

For some reason, this enraged me. “What are you doing?” 

“The same thing you’re doing.” He groaned. “Trying not to go insane.”

“I meant what I said.” My voice came out small. “I want you, Gabriel.” 

He gave up fisting himself and rolled over to face me. “I want you, too.” 

“Then can we please…?” 

He took my chin beneath his fingers and stared into my eyes. “I do not want you just for tonight, Audrina. If we have sex, you will forever be lost to me. I could never claim you.” 

“Then claim me.” The fact that he was offering to make me his forever sent chills down my spine.

He stroked my lip with his thumb. I cannot do it. I care for you too much. I don’t want you to do something that you’ll regret.” 

“I won’t regret it,” I insisted. Hope sparked inside me he would change his mind. 

“But it is forever, Angel.” He shook his head. “And you are too young to understand such a thing. The only way we would part would be in death.” 

“Or you could release me,” I said quickly. I hadn’t forgotten that part. 

“Ah.” He rolled away from me again. “But I wouldn’t. Vampires never let their mates go, Audrina. It doesn’t work that way.” 

“So what if I told you I didn’t care?” I asked, hoarsely. A part of my brain screamed that I needed to just calm the fuck down before I mated myself to the vampire king forever, but the stronger part dismissed that notion. I knew the truth: I wanted him, and I’d never wanted anything more. 

“I want to be your mate. It can’t be some sort of coincidence that you walked into my life the way you did. You saved me, Gabriel. You’ve shown me a life I never thought was possible. And I’m here for it. I want it-I want you.” clung to him, luxuriating in the feel of his naked body next to mine. 

I was meant to be here. I was meant to be with him. 

“Take me. Claim me. I am yours.” I took his face in my hands. “I mean it. You can smell me, can’t you? Can’t you tell I’m telling you the truth?” 

“Fuck.” With a strangled groan, he flipped us over, so that he was above me-the Master taming his virgin.

“I believe you are telling me the truth, but you can only know so much, based on your experience.” He stared at me, his dark eyes smoldering. “Audrina, if I claim you, you will be mine forever. It is a bond that will only end in death.”

I nodded, my entire body trembling. “That’s what I want.”

His gaze burned into mine. The moment stretched, and I was lost in the depths of his eyes, my king, my savior.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. 

“Then… Will you be mine?” His dark eyes were fiery. “This is for eternity, Audrina. Body and soul.” 

“I accept. I am yours.” 

“Then I will take you, my love. And we will be together forever.” A look of pure joy spread over his face, transforming it from simply gorgeous to heavenly, my own guardian angel here on earth. 

“Yes, yes, yes!” I pulled him to me, drowning in his kisses, a riptide of desire dragging me under. I didn’t care. I was his and would be by his side for eternity. Triumphantly, I spread my legs. I felt his huge, hard cock poke against my sex, finally at my entrance. 

“We will start with the sex,” he said, voice hoarse, “and I will bite you at the time I cross your maidenhead.” 

My whole body vibrated with desire. I was petrified about being bit, but at the same time, I very legitimately wanted him to penetrate me every which way he could.

He positioned himself against me and flexed his hips very, very gently. Because he was so huge, I recognized that this was going to take a minute. He slowly entered me, one full, thick inch… 

Oh my fucking God, YES. More, I wanted more. 

Gabriel grunted, pressing forward… 

“Your Highness!” A guard burst into the room, eyes wild. “You must come at once, a battle has broken out at the party!” 

“WHAT THE FUCK?” Gabriel roared.


“Your brothers said they would stake me if I didn’t bring you back now-one of the California vampires drained a

human. The guests are hysterical; there is panic. We have locked the doors. Your brothers fight the California vampires for their lives. Please, Your Highness.” The obviously fearful guard averted his eyes from us. 

Curses the likes I’d never heard spewed forth from my king, but he leaped up and dressed. “Audrina, I will return shortly. I’ll leave a guard outside. Do not leave this room,” he hissed. “Do you understand?” 

“Y-Yes. But what’s happening?” | wrapped me in a sheet. “What are you going to do?” 

“I am going to kick some vampire ass.” He leaned down and kissed me hard. “I’ll be back. Don’t move.”

“Y-Yes, M-Master.” I put on a brave smile as he strode from the room, the guard trailing in his wake. 

Woah. I couldn’t believe everything that had just happened. One of the Californian vampires had killed a human? Oh my God. That was terrible. 

I clutched the sheet around me, thoughts zigzagging to what Gabriel and I had just been up to in our bed… Holy hell. I’d just about been claimed by the Vampire King. For all of eternity. We’d been so close…

A heard a soft thud on the balcony. I peered outside; the view was still lit with the blue of the plunge pool lights. “H-Hello?” I licked my lips. “Is someone there?” 

Multi-colored sparkles shimmered against the water. They looked somehow familiar… 

I crept out towards the pool. The only noise was the traffic from the strip below. I was being paranoid—there was no one there. 

But then icy needles jabbed down my back, and I shivered. “I-Is someone out here?” 

I stumbled back to the room, but the door was closed. What the fuck? I jerked it, but it wouldn’t open. “Hey!” I pounded on the glass, hoping the guard would hear me. 

“Hey yourself, Virgin.” 

I whirled, finding myself face to face with the gorgeous, scary-ass Nordic-looking vampire from the party-the one that looked like a half-starved supermodel in her multi-colored gown. 

“W-What do you want?”

“It appears that the King has left his prize unattended.” She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Mmm, and you’re still so innocent.” 

“She snapped her eyes open and grinning, grabbed me. She held me tight against her chest. 

“Let me go! Let me fucking go!” I tried to elbow her and get away, but she was as strong as fuck, the skinny vampire freak! 

“Not so fast, Virgin. You’re my collateral.” She hissed, bearing her fangs, and I stopped fighting, praying she wouldn’t bite me. 

But she didn’t. Instead, we shot into the air. 

Bitch dragged me into the air. Above the Vegas strip. Toward the stars. 

Vampires could fly? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK? 

The last thing I saw before I passed out was the pretty, colored lights of Vegas. They looked miniature, fit for a dollhouse, as they stretched out below.

