Chapter 17

Tabitha was trying on her shoes when her roommate burst through the door.

“Whoa, where’s the fire, Amanda?” Tabitha asked.

Amanda was trying to catch her breath as she closed the door and then dropped her stuff on her bed and sat.

“Deep breaths. What’s got you so riled up.”

Amanda took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she blurted out, “I’ve got a date tonight!”

Tabitha looked at her surprised. Did Hudson ask her out? She was trying to remember what he had said late last night in the mind link, talking about going on a field trip or something with the guys.

“Wow, really. Who’s the lucky guy?” she asked with a smile, although she was scared to hear who it was.

“Calvin asked me to go to the movies with him tonight.” Amanda glowed. “Tabitha, it’s my first date ever. I’m so nervous. I don’t know what I should wear or how to do my hair. Please, you’ve got to help me.”

Tabitha just nodded with a smile. She really didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation. On the one hand, she was happy that Amanda was getting to go on a date. But on the other, she should be going on that first date with Hudson and not some other guy. Oh, Hudson was going to be mad when he found out about this. Should she tell him? She was, after all, his best friend. But at the same time, was she betraying Amanda? Hudson bullied Amanda all throughout their time in High School and wasn’t ever asked to go out by anyone because of him. 

Tabitha quickly made a decision–she would help them both.

Tabitha jumped up and walked over to Amanda’s closet. “Okay, well, since it’s just a movie, you don’t have to dress too fancy, so dresses can be ruled out. So probably a nice pair of jeans and a blouse would work and then a light cover-up in case it gets cold.” she turned to look at Amanda, but she looked like she was lost in space.

“Amanda, are you okay?”

Still looking into space, Amanda nodded. Tabitha just sat and stared at her, curious about what was going through Amanda’s mind at the moment. Tabitha continued to stare at Amanda until she saw Amanda shake herself out of the daze and look up at her.

“Sorry, Tabitha, what were you saying?”

Tabitha just smiled.

“I think you should just keep it simple. He’s just taking you to a movie; there’s no need to be looking all fancy for this.”

Amanda nodded and got up from her bed. She walked over next to Tabitha and started to look at the clothes together.

They had decided on a pair of black distressed jeans and a white crop top that sat right at the top of her jeans. This made Amanda comfortable because she wasn’t showing a lot of skin. And then finished it with a flannel that she wore around her waist until she got cold in the theater.

For her hair, they curled it into soft waves, and then for makeup, they kept it soft and natural using just eyeshadow and pale lipstick.

When Amanda looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled. Everything that Tabitha did only enhanced what was already there.

“Look at you, Amanda. You’re beautiful,” Tabitha said with a smile.

Amanda felt the tears burn a little in her eyes, but she fought them back as she continued to smile and nodded.

“What time is he coming to pick you up?”

Amanda shook her head. “I told him I would meet him there.”

“Perfect. I’ll walk with you down to the theater, and then afterward, we can meet up for some dessert and talk about your date. Only if you want to,” Tabitha suggested. 

Amanda smiled. How did she luck out with such a great roommate who was turning into a true friend?

“I would love that.”

“Great, well let’s go,” Tabitha said as she opened their door and waited for Amanda to go through.

Tabitha had it all worked out. She was going to go to the same movie, just to make sure that her friend was safe. If anything were to happen, she would be there to intervene. See! She could be a good friend to both of them without jeopardizing either friendship.

The girls were laughing and talking on their walk down to the theater. It was nice how it was only a few blocks away from campus.

They walked up to the theater and found Calvin leaning up against the wall as he waited. When he saw Amanda, he smiled. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her.

“Hey, looks like you made it.”

“I told you I would,” Amanda said with a smile.

Tabitha looked over at Amanda and saw that she was blushing.

“You’re in our class too, right?” Calvin said to Tabitha, pulling her attention back to him.

She nodded. “Yeah, I’m Tabitha, the friend, and roommate. I just wanted to make sure that she got here safely.”

“Well, aren’t you a nice friend,” Calvin said with a smile.

Tabitha stared at him for a moment, trying to get a read on Calvin. He smelled human and didn’t smell like another shifter.

She smiled right back at him, and said, “I sure am.”

She turned to Amanda and said, “Remember to text me after, okay?”

Amanda rolled her eyes but was smiling at the same time and said, “Okay, Mom!”

Tabitha pulled out her phone and made it look like she was engrossed in something on her phone as she listened to hear what movie he decided to take her to.

Ha had picked some horror film that was revamped. Typical, Tabitha waited until she saw the room and then ordered her ticket and followed. She found a seat in the back row and threw her hoodie on in case Amanda turned to see who else was around her.

While waiting for the movie to start, she got a mind link from Hudson.

Hudson: hey, Tab, where you at?”

Tab: Nowhere really, just hanging out.

Hudson: well, the guys and I are heading to the movies and wanted to see if you wanted to go.

Of course, they were, she thought to herself. Why did this have to get difficult?

Tab: Oh yeah, which movie?

Hudson: That horror one they just redid.

Tab: Oh yeah, that one. So, do you want to hit it up later tonight?

Hudson: No, there’s one about to start, and we’re right outside. I guess I’ll just catch up with you later.

Oh crap.

Tabitha pulled out her phone and tried to call Amanda but got sent straight to voicemail.

Tabitha got up from her seat and tried to head out before Hudson walked in with the guys.

As she got to the end of the aisle, she smelled the scent of her best friend and looked up.

Hudson looked at her, confused for a moment, but then tensed when he smelled her scent. Not making a scene, he searched for her and then found her a few seats ahead of him.

Hudson: Tab, what’s my mate doing here with another guy?

Mated To My Bully

Fighting for my Mate (Book 2)