Chapter 18

Amanda froze the second she felt the cold chill shiver down her spine and k knew that a pair of blue eyes were burning into the back of her.

“Is everything okay?” Calvin leaned over and asked.

Amanda nodded turned to him and smiled. “I think I’m going to go to the bathroom before the movie begins.”

Calvin nodded.

Amanda stood up from her seat, and instead of turning right to head out of the theater, she went past Calvin and headed up the walkway on the opposite side, praying that Hudson would not try to follow her into the bathroom. When she got to the top, she could still feel his eyes burning into her, but she refused to look at him. When she walked into the lobby, she took a deep breath and made her way to the bathroom.

“Amanda,” she heard and felt someone grab her by the arm.

Amanda turned and was relieved to see Kimmy standing there.

“Kimmy, you scared me.”

Kimmy let go of her arm and put both hands up in surrender.

“Sorry, I just saw you, and you looked like you were scared of something or someone. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

Amanda nodded and then motioned for Kimmy to follow her into the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom by the sinks, Amanda still looked around to make sure no one was there or had followed them.

“I’m on a date,” Amanda whispered to Kimmy.

Kimmy looked at her with a confused look. “With who?”

“Calvin, he’s from my history class.”

Kimmy started to smile, “What? Wow, good for you. That’ll stick it to that other guy that keeps harassing you.”

“But that’s sort of the problem. Hudson’s here too.”

Kimmy covered her mouth as she sucked in a breath.

“Has he seen you with this other guy?”

Amanda nodded. “I think so. I don’t know. I just wanted this date to go well, without any drama. But with Hudson here…” She sighed. “I just have no clue what he’s going to do.”

Kimmy gave her a small smile and shrugged before saying, “I wish there was something I could do for you, but I’m here with a date as well.”  

“Really, Kimmy? That’s great. Who is he?” Amanda asked.

Kimmy waved a hand and said, “Just some guy I met at the party. But I should be getting back to him before he thinks something happened to me.”  

“I should probably do the same.” Amanda nodded.

“Cheer up. I’m sure it’ll be just fine,” Kimmy said before she walked out of the bathroom.

Amanda took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. “Everything will be fine.”

She pulled the flannel off from around her waist and put it on. She felt a little bit more comfortable as she washed her hands and then walked out the door back to the movie.

Hudson just stood there as he watched Amanda walk out of the theater. His fists clenched as he wanted to walk over and beat the guy who he now recognized as the chump that was flirting with her at the party. He guessed the guy couldn’t take a hint. He would make sure that he made his point clear the next time he ran into him.

“Hey, look, Tab’s here,” Foster said as he pointed at her.

Tab looked at them like a deer in headlights, not sure how to handle the situation.

“Hey, guys, funny running into you here,” she said to them with a light laugh.

“What are you doing here Tab?” Noah asked.

“Just here to watch the movie that’s all.”

“Mind if we join you?” Hudson asked her.

Tab shook her head. “Nope don’t mind at all,” she said as she turned and moved back to where she was seated.

 Hudson moved past her and sat on her left, while Marco, Foster, and Noah sat on her right.

The theater started to darken as they were about to start the trailers before the movie.

Hudson smelled the scent of his mate as he watched a girl walk quickly down the left side of the theater and move across the row just a few rows ahead of him.

Hudson: I can’t believe it. You let this happen.

Tab: ME! She’s your mate. Besides, she’s my friend, and it’s her first date. She’s never been on one before, no thanks to your sorry ass.

Hudson paled when he heard that. But to be fair, in the back of his mind, he kind of knew that. Anytime a guy showed interest in Amanda, he would send them in the opposite direction. Even though back then he swore he didn’t want her, he didn’t want any other guy to have a chance with her either. And now, she was sharing her first date with someone else. He was supposed to be her first date, her first everything.

Hudson: You’re right. I’m sorry.

Tab: Wait, what?

Hudson: She’s not your responsibility to constantly watch. She’s mine.

Tab: Hudson, why do you think I’m here? I wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. You are both my friends, and I was trying to be there for both of you.

Hudson: Thanks, Tab.

Tab: One question?

Hudson: Yep.

Tab: Do they know who your mate is?

 Hudson: Nope.

Tab: Oh, this is going to be fun.

Hudson shook his head and quieted down as the movie began.

Marco: Tab?

Tab: Yeah?

Marco: Do you know what’s going on with Hudson?

Tab: Nope.

Marco looked over at Tab for a moment, but she refused to look back at him. She was concerned that Hudson would notice and would want to know why they were talking since they had never really engaged in conversation before.

Marco: Then, are we going to talk about the other thing?

Tab: Nope.

Tab had turned eighteen just before heading off to College. She had spent the summer with her dad, traveling to the surrounding packs and making sure their treaties were still in place with all of them. She arrived at college after everyone else had and hadn’t seen anyone except Hudson before school had started. After the first day of school, Tab found out that her roommate/new friend Amanda was Hudson’s mate. Tab was chosen to run around and help Huson watch over her. The last thing Tab wanted was to find her mate during college. So, when Tab saw the guys walk in and look at her, she was relieved that nothing had happened until her eyes landed on Marco, and her wolf yelled the one word she was so afraid to hear.


Tab had looked at all of them with fear for two reasons:

One: Hudson finds out that Amanda was here on a date with another guy.


Two: Marco turns out to be her mate.

How was she going to tell her best friend and future Alpha that his Beta was mated to his Head Warrior?

Marco sensed Tab’s anxiety and gently rubbed his pinky against her leg. She instantly calmed.

Tab rolled her eyes and Marco just smiled.

Mated To My Bully

Fighting for my Mate (Book 2)