Chapter 26

The alarm on Amanda’s cell went off, and she groaned, wishing that Monday hadn’t shown up so quickly. She grabbed her phone to turn off the alarm before it woke up Tabitha. Lucky, Amanda thought in her head, envious that Tabitha got to sleep in longer before starting her day and second-guessing why she thought it was such a great idea to have an early class, especially on a Monday.

Ugh, and it was English.

Ugh, ugh, and she would see Hudson.

Just the thought of his name got her heart racing. She hadn’t seen or talked with him since the other night and didn’t know how today was going to play out. A part of her was excited to see him, but there was still another part of her that was anxious and didn’t know if he was going to respect her decision of just being friends or if he was going to continue to try to be something more.

With a sigh and a grunt, Amanda got out of bed. She walked over to her closet and looked at herself in the full-length mirror. She couldn’t believe that it was just a week ago that she was having to say her mantra in order to boost her self-esteem. So much has happened in that first week. As she continued to look at herself, the scared little shy girl from the past was slowly fading away from the image that was facing back at her. Amanda smiled, took a deep breath, and got ready for class.

Amanda started to make her way to the cafe when she heard, “Good morning, small girl.”

Amanda stilled as she heard that husky accent. Her mind went blank on his name, trying to remember what Kimmy had said.

Dirk–no, Deak!

She turned and smiled. “Good morning, Deak!

Deak laughed. “Ah, she figured out my name. What a smart girl.”

Deak walked up to Amanda. She had to tilt her head up a bit in order to get a good look at him the closer he got. She didn’t think she knew anyone that tall. Hudson was tall, but Deak was definitely taller.

“Where are you off to this morning?” he asked her.

“I was just on my way to the café to get a drink and breakfast before my class.”

“Do you mind if I follow you a bit?”

Amanda looked at him, confused for a moment. Why would someone as handsome as Deak want to walk with her? He could have his pick of any girl on campus. Why her? Why would Hudson pick her when he could easily have any girl he wanted? The snarky negative side of her conscience spouted out in her head. True, but there is history there, and Deak barely knew her.

Amanda nodded. “Sure.”

Deak continued to walk with Amanda asking her questions about her weekend and her interest as they made their way to the café.

Amanda was relieved when she walked inside and saw Ruby behind the counter in her usual friendly mood.

When Amanda reached the front, Ruby let out a sigh of relief when she saw her.

“Morning, Ruby,” Amanda said with a big smile.

There was something about Ruby that always made Amanda feel calm and relaxed. Like she was in the comfort of her home.

“Morning, sugar. Thank you so much for helping me out on Saturday and taking care of me. I’m so embarrassed.”

Amanda reached out for Ruby’s hand and gave it a squeeze for reassurance. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m glad I was there for you.”

Ruby smiled.

“What can I get you this morning, sugar? Your usual?” Ruby asked.

Amanda laughed and nodded. She went to pull her wallet out when Ruby stopped her.

“This one is on me, sugar.”

“Oh, Ruby, you don’t have to do that. Thank you.”

Deak was getting closer to Amanda which Ruby sensed and became a little guarded.

“And who is this tall, handsome guy?” Ruby asks with a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Ruby, this is Deak. he’s a student here. Deak, this is Ruby. she’s the owner of the cafe and my boss.”

“Nice to meet you. Your shop is cute and small,” he says with a laugh.

“Thank you. Would you like something?” Ruby asks him.

“No, I like my coffee Hungarian style, dark and strong.”

“Fekete?” Ruby says to him.

“Igen, you’ve heard of it?”

Ruby nodded. “I traveled for a while after high school it was one of my guilty pleasures, trying all the different ways coffee is made.”

Deak looked at Ruby for a moment and then smiled. “Well, maybe some other time we can sit down and talk over a cup.”

Amanda was surprised at how quickly the conversation had turned. It almost seemed like Deak was flirting with Ruby. Amanda shook the thought away as she grabbed her drink and breakfast from the counter.

Ruby shrugged and said, “Perhaps.”

Ruby turned to Amanda. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon?”

Amanda nodded.

Deak opened the door for Amanda like a gentleman as they headed out of the café.

“Thank you,” Amanda told him.

They made their way onto campus and walked toward the lecture rooms when a large group of people started to walk in the opposite direction, causing Amanda to bump into other people and into Deak.

Amanda blushed and tries to cover her face. “I’m sorry.”

“Must be hard being so short,” he told her and laughed.

Amanda rolled her eyes but smiled.

“Well, this is my class thanks for the walk,” she told him, still unsure why he picked her to walk with.

“My pleasure, small one. Maybe I’ll see you later,” Deak said with a wave and walked away.

Amanda started to feel the burning glare from the girls around her. This was the first for her. Never has she been given dirty looks because they were envious of her.

Amanda smiled and laughed to herself. She walked into the class, and her chest swelled as she felt the flutter hit her and the shiver that got her excited. She looked around the room and found those beautiful light blue eyes staring at her.

Amanda sucked in her breath and made her way to where Hudson was sitting.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said to her when she was close.

Amanda shook her head and sat down leaving a seat open between them.

“Morning, Hudson,” she said as she put her bag in the seat next to her and pulled out her laptop.

“Are you scared to sit right next to me?” he said with a lifted brow as if he was trying to challenge her.

She shook her head.

“No, I think this is a good distance between friends, right?”

Hudson nodded. But he was still happy about the fact that she sat near him. They were definitely making progress. This made him and his wolf very happy.

He leaned over toward her to take in her scent, only to catch another scent on her as well.

Hudson felt the rage burn inside him as his wolf howled in his head. He asked himself, why the hell did his mate has the scent of the Lykan on her?    

Mated To My Bully

Fighting for my Mate (Book 2)