Chapter 27

Hudson walked out of the class, not saying anything to Amanda before leaving. This left Amanda completely confused. Before class, he was his usual self, but then she noticed he had stiffened and became distant once class began. She wondered what could have happened to change his mood so quickly. She went back through everything that was said between them, and it seemed normal. She even checked herself to make sure that she didn’t smell bad. She smelled like her usual self. She shook her head, not knowing what would make Hudson’s mood change so quickly.

“Miss Stevens,” she heard the voice of the professor say behind her.

Amanda had jumped a little, she hadn’t heard anyone walking up behind her. She wondered why her trusty instincts had been so faulty lately.

She turned to the professor and gave him a half smile. “Morning, Professor Warren.”

He smiled back and waited for a moment before continuing. “Did you ask Ruby about our past?”

She nodded. “I did.”

“Did she tell you the story?”

Again, she nodded. “She did.”

“Would you be willing to tell me that story?” he asked with a hint of discomfort in his voice.

Amanda looked at him, confused. Why would he need to be told the story that happened between him and Ruby? He lived it.

“I don’t understand, Professor; why do you need to be told the story? You were there.”

He ran his hand through his hair. He then sat down in one of the seats close to her and motioned for her to have a seat.

Amanda sat down.

“I was never told the reason why she was rejecting me and our love. I came home one weekend from college to visit her, and she tore my heart up and told me she never wanted to see me again, I was so heartbroken that even after she graduated high school and left, I couldn’t get over her.”

“It seems like you’ve gotten over her now, especially when you push her buttons and get her all riled up.”

He laughed.

“A facade–it’s all just for show. I don’t want her to know that I still carry a torch for her after all these years. And she acts as if I was the one to hurt her. That I was the reason we’re apart.”

Amanda sat quietly for a moment, going over everything that Ruby had told her. Her eyes went wide when she realized where it all went wrong. But she couldn’t tell him about that part of the story. She wouldn’t betray Ruby’s trust like that. 

She looked at him with a small smile and said, “Unfortunately, you are going to have to ask Ruby about that. I can’t tell you.”

“But you know, you know there was definitely a reason that broke us apart.”

Amanda nodded.

He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and covering his hands over his face. He took deep breaths for a few minutes before he pulled his face out of his hands and looked at her.

“The problem is I have for years now. She refuses to tell me.”

Amanda sighed and then got up from the chair. She lifted her bag and put it on her shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, Professor.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. It was unprofessional of me to ask you to get information for me. I apologize.”

“I understand. You were just trying to solve the situation. It makes sense. I hope you and Ruby are able to talk one day and resolve this feud you have.”

He let out a small chuckle. “Thanks.”

Amanda left the classroom. When she walked outside, she looked around her. She hoped that she would see Hudson outside and that they could talk about what happened. But he was nowhere in sight.

Amanda began to walk when she heard someone call out her name.

“Amanda, Kimmy yelled.

Amanda stopped and turned; she saw Kimmy walking up to her. Amanda realized that so much had happened since she pulled her friend into the bathroom at the movie theater.

“Hey, Kimmy.”

“Hey, I haven’t had a chance to talk with you since your date on Saturday. How did it go?”

Amanda told Kimmy everything that happened with the date and also what happened at the diner. She left out the details about the attack. She didn’t really want to get into that at the moment.

Kimmy and Amanda made their way to Kimmy’s next class.

“I can’t believe that guy treated you like that. Maybe you should just stay away from him. Besides, this Calvin guy sounds like he could be a good guy. A great way to start off the college year.” Kimmy said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Amanda laughed.

Kimmy stopped them and faced Amanda, “It’s just that every time we talk, some drama has always happened between you and this Hudson guy. Maybe it’s best if you move on. You need to do what’s best for you, and this Calvin guy could be the exact step you need in the right direction. I’m just trying to be a good friend here. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Amanda nodded.

“Well, this is my class. Hey, let’s get together later and do something.”

“Sounds good. Text me later,” Amanda said with a smile.

Kimmy waved and headed into her class.

Amanda knew that Kimmy had a point, which was exactly why she wanted her and Hudson to just try to be friends. Their past was too messed up, and they needed a fresh start. She was willing to give him that as long as his past self didn’t keep intervening in the present. Amanda walked back to her dorm dwelling on all this.

Marco was still feeling a little stiff from that run-in on Saturday night with the Lycan. He needed to get back into a routine and start training again. He also regretted not asking Tabitha for help with his healing. But he had no idea where they stood with the whole mate thing at the moment. His wolf had whined all weekend about needing to feel his mate in order to feel better and heal. So, when he heard the whining of some male voices in his classroom, he was in no mood to tolerate them.

“So, what about that chick we saw you going to the movies with on Saturday?”

“What about her?”

“Do you think she’ll be the one you can win the bet with?”

Marco heard the guy laugh before he answered, “I’ll definitely be able to get her beneath me in no time. She looks like an easy lay.”

The guys started to laugh again, which started to piss Marco off more. He turned a little to see what these guys looked like and recognized one immediately. Marco’s fist began to clench as the voice of the guy he recognized slowly faded away.

There was only one person that he could talk to about this.

Marco collected his stuff and walked out the door before class began.

Marco: We need to talk NOW! 

Mated To My Bully

Fighting for my Mate (Book 2)