Chapter 35

Hudson tossed and turned the whole night worried about Amanda. He knew that he was going to need to tell her the truth about himself, but he just didn’t know how to start a conversation about it. He let out a frustrated grunt. Since his brain didn’t allow him to get any more sleep, he decided to get up and head back over to Ruby’s to check on Amanda.

He was a little concerned that he hadn’t heard anything in the middle of the night but at the same time relieved that this would give him more time to think about how he was going to tell her.

He walked out of his dorm hall and made his way to the café. Ruby usually opened her café around sin in the morning for the early risers. It was about five forty-five when he got there. He looked inside the café but saw no movement and decided to head up to the apartment that Ruby lived in above the café. He knocked on the door and waited.

Ruby answered shortly after. “Morning, Hudson. I hope you slept well,” she said when she greeted him at the door and let him in.

“Not really. How’s Amanda?” he asked as he noticed that the couch was vacant and no sign of Amanda around.

He looked back at Ruby with concern. “Where is she?”

Ruby put her hands up and said, “Calm down, I moved her into the guest room last night when she woke up.”

Hudson became tense when he heard this.

“She’s awake, and you didn’t tell me,” Hudson growled.

“She asked me not to. Hudson, I’m sorry.”

Hudson paced for a moment and then turned back to Ruby.

“Why would she ask you not to?” he asked her.

Ruby looked down for a moment, but before she could say anything, Hudson answered his own question.

“She knows, doesn’t she.”

Ruby gave him a slight nod.

Hudson sucked in a deep breath. He needed to know what Amanda was thinking or if she had questions or fears. He wanted to be able to answer anything she needed answers to before she made her decision.

“I can’t let her reject me,” he said softly.

Ruby walked up to him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

“I think she needs some time to herself so that she doesn’t say or do something she might regret.”

But I need to explain things to her. I need her to know how I feel before she makes those decisions,” he said as he started to pant, and his heart raced. His wolf howled in need of their mate.

“Is she here? Can I at least see her?” he asked.

“She’s in the room on the left,” Ruby told him. “I need to get down to the cafe and open. If you need anything, let me know.”

Hudson nodded and made his way to the door that Ruby said to go to. He sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. He waited about a minute, but there was no response. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. When he saw that the bed was empty, he opened the door wider and looked around. She was nowhere to be found.

Hudson quickly mind-linked Tabitha.

Hudson: Tab, be on the lookout. Amanda is awake, and she knows. She’s no longer at Ruby’s.

Tab: What?

Just as soon as she finished that thought to Hudson, she heard the sound of the door unlocking. She turned over to see Amanda not happy to see her.

Tab: Uh….she’s here. You might want to hang back.

“Hey,” Tabitha said, not exactly sure how to start all this.

“Hey yourself,” Amanda answered as she shut the door and went to her closet.

“How are you doing?”

Amanda froze for a moment with her back turned to Tabitha. She tilted her head to the ceiling before she answered, “How am I doing?” Well, that’s a terrific question, Tabitha, and to be honest, I’m doing pretty shitty.” she turned around and looked at Tabitha and continued, “I was almost attacked by some huge animal that I didn’t even know existed. I was luckily saved by a huge wolf that is actually human and can shift, and guess who it turns out to be? Hudson. And it doesn’t stop there–no, there’s more. Come to find out my roommate who I thought was my friend actually has known Hudson this whole time and is a close friend actually has known Hudson this whole time and also comes from the same pack,” Amanda yelled the last part.

Tabitha wanted to butt in and say something, but Amanda continued.

“Tabitha, I never had a close friend before. I told you so many things, private things. And to find out that you were friends with Hudson this whole time? How can I trust you?”

Tabitha quickly leaped out of bed and stood in front of Amanda.

“I’m your friend, whether you want to believe that or not. I never told Hudson anything you told me. When I found out that he bullied you in high school, I was so mad at him. I was on your side the whole time. I was looking out for you when you went to the movies with Calvin. Amanda, please, I understand that I wasn’t a hundred percent honest about everything. But I value this friendship more than you’ll ever know.”

Amanda started to feel the tears threaten to fall as she slowly pulled herself away from Tabitha. She turned back around and started packing some of her things in a bag.

“What are you doing? Are you leaving the school?” Tabitha asked.

Amanda shook her head.

“I’m going to stay with Ruby for a few days, just so I can figure things out on my own.”

“Amanda, I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me, please?”

The tears escape down Amanda’s face as she finished packing. She wiped her face before turning back to Tabitha.

“Just give me some time,” she told her. Amanda grabbed her laptop and put it into her bag. She picked up her small suitcase and set it on the ground and pulled up the handle.

“Before you go, there’s something I have to warn you about,” Tabitha told her.

Amanda stood there with her back faced to Tabitha.


“Be careful with Calvin. He’s not who he says he is.”

Amanda turned slightly to look at her. “What do you mean? Is he like you?”

“No, Marco heard some guys talking in his class about a bet. When he turned to see who they were, he saw Calvin right in the middle of them talking about you.”

“A bet? What kind of bet?” Amanda asked confused.

“A bet on how quickly he could get you into bed with him,” Tabitha said the last part softly.

Amanda became pissed and frustrated. “Of course. I’ll see you around, Tabitha.”

Amanda walked out the door quickly and slammed the door behind her. She made her way quickly to the bottom of the dorm hall and stepped outside.

“Whoa, someone looks like they’re out for blood,” Amanda heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Kimmy asked her when she walked up to her.

Amanda let out a deep breath. “It’s nothing. I’ve just got some stuff going on.”

“Are you leaving school?” Kimmy asked in a concerned voice.

Amanda shook her head.

“No, I just got into a fight with a few people and need to stay somewhere for a few days.”

“You can stay with me if you want,” Kimmy offered.

“Thanks, I’ve got a place,” Amanda told him as she started to walk.

“Well, let me make sure that you get where you need to go without any interference,” Kimmy suggested as she followed Amanda across campus.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Amanda told her.

“Happy to help in any way I can,” Kimmy said with a smile.

Mated To My Bully