Chapter 38

Amanda was walking back to Ruby’s apartment after class. She was relieved that she didn’t see Hudson in class. She knew that he would be back in the class at some point, but for now, she didn’t have to worry about running into him. Although, there was a small part of her that was missing him. She was hoping that she would be able to spend the afternoon going over everything that had happened and honestly weighs he feelings about Hudson and him being a wolf.

Amanda heard a ping and pulled out her phone. The text was from Calvin again. He had been texting all morning. She had texted him late last night after receiving numerous text messages and phone calls that something had happened, and she was sorry that she stood him up.

Calvin: Can you please talk to me?

Calvin: What happened?

Calvin: I thought you liked me?”

Amanda rolled her eyes. She opened her phone and responded.

Amanda: I don’t feel like talking to anyone right now. Can I call you later?

She put her phone away and continued to walk.

She made it back to the apartment and found Ruby packing a bag.

“Ruby, is there something wrong?” Amanda asked as she rushed into the living room.

Ruby looked up at Amanda with a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, something’s happened. Please sit so that we can talk,” Ruby asked as she motioned for her to sit on one of the couches.

Amanda did what Ruby asked. She waited for Ruby to begin.

Amanda did what Ruby asked. She waited for Ruby to begin.

Ruby took a seat as well next to Amanda. She let out a sigh and then placed her hand on top of Amanda’s.

“Ruby, what is it? You have me concerned.”

“I know you have been through a lot this past week–heck, these last twenty-four hours. But I need you to listen to me and understand what’s going on.”

Amanda nodded, “Okay.”

“There was an ambush early this morning on our pack.”


“Our pack was attacked. There was a big fight, and a lot of people were hurt, including our Alpha.”

“Oh, Ruby, I’m so sorry.”

Ruby smiled but then continued, “They believe that the Lycan that was here last night is the cause of the attack.”

“But why? Why would they do this?” Amanda asked, confused.

Ruby shrugged. “It’s the same thing as in other areas; greed, power. Instead of buying up the land, they come in and weaken the pack by trying to take down the Alpha. And since our Alpha is weak at the moment, the heir has to step in and help keep the pack strong.”

“Who… who is the heir?” Amanda asked, but she was afraid she already knew the answer.

Ruby gave her a small smile before saying, “Hudson is next in line to become Alpha of our pack.”

Amanda sucked in a breath. “Are you saying that I am mated to the future Alpha of your pack?”

Ruby nodded.

Amanda got up and paced for a bit before she turned back to Ruby. “So what happens now?”

“We’ve all been summoned to come home. The pack is its strongest when we are all together. It will help the Alpha with his healing, but his mate is the most important thing for him right now.”

“So, you are all going home? When will you be back?”

“I’ll be commuting back and forth to keep the café up and running, but I don’t know about the rest of them. Here’s the thing, sugar. The Lycan knows you’re Hudson’s mate, and the first thing he’ll do when Hudson’s gone is come after you.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Because you’re Hudson’s biggest weakness. If anything happens to you, it will weaken Hudson, and the pack will have to bow to the Lycan.”

“Wait, so you’re saying I have to go with you guys and stay in the same place that Hudson’s going to be?”

Ruby nodded.

Amanda ran her hands through her hair. She wanted to scream. How was this fair? How was she supposed to weigh her feelings on all this if he was constantly around?

“Amanda, can I offer something with all this?”

Amanda looked at Ruby and nodded.

“I have my own place back in the pack, so you are more than welcome to sit there with me. This might give you a great opportunity to see what it’s like to live within a pack. It might help you with all the questions that you have about us.”

Amanda shook her head from side to side as she took in what Ruby said. But she was still not entirely happy with the whole idea.

“Ruby, can’t I just stay here? I’ll make sure I’m not seen. I just don’t know if I’m ready for all that.”

“The Lycan will be able to catch your scent, especially since he has been close to you. I understand you have concerns, but this is what’s best for you, Hudson, and the pack. Please, we need you to come with us.”

Before Amanda could give Ruby an answer, there was a knock on the door.

Amanda looked at Ruby, who nodded before she walked over to the door and answered it. When she touched the handle, she felt a shiver, and her body tingled. Amanda froze and took a step back as she watched the knob turn and the door open. She looked up and saw Hudson coming into the apartment.

“So, who’s up for a road trip?” he asked with a smirk.

Amanda immediately started to back up as she shook her head.

“No, not happening. I’m not going with him,” Amanda yelled as she tried to make a run to her room and lock the door to keep him out.

But Hudson, of course, was faster and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

“Not happening. You’re coming with me so that I know that you are safe,” he said as he walked into her room.

“And look! You’re already packed and ready to go,” he said as he zipped up her luggage and pulled it behind him as he walked out.

“Hudson Harlow, you put me down right this instant, or I’ll hate you for the rest of my life,” Amanda demanded.

“You may hate me, but at least you’ll be safe.”

Amanda tried to push herself up but could’, then she tried to kick his front and punch his back to get him to put her down, but when that didn’t work either, she finally concerned.

“FINE! Fine, I’ll go with you. Will you please put me down now?” she asked him.

Hudson stopped and lowered Amanda down slowly.

Amanda glared at him, and he knew if looks could kill, he would be dead a thousand times with that look. But he kept his stare strong until she backed down and looked away. Hudson smiled and then looked over at Ruby. Ruby shook her head but didn’t say anything, at least nothing out loud.

Ruby: I’d care if I were you. She still has a big decision ahead of her, and you need her to Accept the bond.

Hudson sighed and then nodded. 

“Alright, ladies, are you ready to go?” Hudson asked them.

Ruby nodded as she made sure that everything was off in the apartment before they left. Amanda grunted and walked toward the front door. Hudson chuckled to himself. This was going to be a fun ride home, he thought to himself.

Downstairs, there were two SUVs that were parked out front.

“Amanda, you and I will be going in this one, and Ruby…” Hudson tried to give a command.

“Oh no, I’m not sitting in a car alone with you for who knows how many hours. I’m riding with Ruby,” Amanda snapped.

One of the security guards stepped up to her. “The Alpha gave you an order,” he said in a deep fearsome voice as he towered over her.

Amanda stepped back and got behind Hudson. Hudson put up his hands to calm his guard down.

“Easy, this is all new to her. Alright, Amanda, we’ll all go in the same SUV,” he said as he turned to look behind him at her.

She nodded softly.

“Dang, Stan, do you always have to be brute?” Ruby said as she handed him her bag.

“Damn straight I do,” he told her as he took both bags and put them in the back of the car.

Ruby got into the back of the SUV, followed by Amanda, and then Hudson. Amanda sucked in a breath when Hudson’s arm brushed hers. As her mind and heart were conflicted about how to feel about Hudson, her body was still very much attracted to him, and the tingles raced through her body.

Hudson looked at her, smiled, and then gave her a wink. Amanda crossed her arms and huffed, refusing to let him get to her.

Hudson chuckled. He looked up at his driver and said, “Alright, Stan, let’s go home.”

Mated to my Bully