Chapter 42

Ring, Ring.


“The young Alpha has come home.”

“Excellent. Any word on the older one?”

“Nothing yet. They just say he’s in serious condition.”

“Keep me informed on anything you hear.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ve done well. I’ll be sure to let the king know how well you’ve done.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Call Ended.

Amanda looked toward the forest but couldn’t see anything through the thick leaves.

Hudson stepped in front of his mate as he growled menacingly at the unseen creature.

“Hudson, please let’s just go,” Amanda said as she gripped his fur.

Hudson continued to keep his eyes focused in the direction of the creature as Amanda grabbed her shoes and quickly put them on. She stayed crouched beside Hudson so that she wouldn’t be seen. She peaked under Hudson’s legs and her eyes widened when she saw the large bear walking out from the forest. When the bear got into the opening he stood up showing off his large height. Hudson only growls louder showing his teeth and letting the bear know that he wasn’t afraid. The hair on his back began to raise, he took a step closer to the bear making sure to keep Amanda out of sight. The bear, not backing down, lunged forward and made an attack on Hudson. Hudson began to defend himself against the bear trying to stay away from the claws. Amanda quickly ran to safety as she watched in terror. She jumped when she heard a howl from Hudson. The bear had clawed him and there was a big gash on one of his hinds bite at the bear until he wanted it enough and the bear ran off howling.

Amanda peaked out to see if the coast was clear, she looked at Hudson and saw that he was limping. She ran over to him and checked the wound. It was deep and hadn’t stopped bleeding.

“Hudson, you need to ie down so I can clean it.”

Hudson whimpered but followed directions.

Amanda pulled off her flannel and dunked it into the water so that she could clean the wound. When she turned back to Hudson she found him licking the wound.

“Wait, let me try to clean it for you.” She told him.

Hudson let out a small growl as she cleaned the wound.

“You’re going to need to shift back, I don’t think you’ll be able to walk on this.”

Amanda got up and went to get Hudson’s clothes from behind the trees, giving him some privacy as he shifted back.

He was naked when she got back ad tried not to look as she handed him his clothes.

He chuckled but grabbed his clothes from her.

She turned back around once he was fully dressed. She looked at the wound and noticed it was starting to heal.

She looked at him confused.

“We can heal faster than humans depending on the wound.” He explained.

Amanda nodded in understanding and helped Hudson get up.

“Well, this was romantic,” he said glumly.

Amanda lifted his arm and put it over her shoulders to help take the weight off his hurt leg.

“I don’t know, your wolf was pretty intense against that bear. It seemed romantic to me.”

He gave her a crooked smile and then started to make their way back to Ruby’s.

Hudson was able to just limp on the leg when they reached Ruby’s by tomorrow there would be nothing more than a scratch.

Amanda turned to Hudson when they reached the door.

“Thank you, for showing me your secret spot.”

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before she quickly went inside the house and shut the door.

Hudon’s heart filled with Joy as he limped his way back to the pack house.

Over the next few days, all the kids got into a routine of getting up early and making their way back to the college. And then in the evening all ride back together home. It was rough at first with everyone’s schedules being so different, but they knew it was what was best for the pack and for them.

Amanda was sitting at the food court waiting for the group to meet up with her.

“Hey, stranger, where have you been?” Kimmy asked when she plopped down on the bench across from Amanda.

“Hey Kimmy, sorry. It’s just been a long week. I’ve just been laying low. How are you doing?” Amanda asked.

“I’ll be doing great if my friend says she’ll go to a party with me tonight,” Kimmy said as she batted her eyelashes at Amanda.

A party did sound fun, after everything that had been going on. She just didn’t know if it was the right thing to do. It would give her some space from Hudson but didn’t know if that was really her problem. Calvin was still harassing her about another date, and she hadn’t figured out yet if what Tabitha had told her was true or not about Calvin just wanting to sleep with her over a bet. Her mind was reeling and needed an escape.

“A party definitely sounds good. Where’s it at?” Amanda asked.

Kimmy clapped with enthusiasm, “Yay! That’s my girl. I’ll text you the details later.”


Kimmy continued to gab about her week while Amanda just smiled and nodded trying to be a good friend.

“Uh-oh incoming. You want me to tell him to get lost?” Kimmy asked as she narrowed her eyes at Hudson.

Amanda turned and smiled shyly, “No, I can handle him.”

“Alright, just don’t tell him about tonight he’ll spoil the mood,” Kimmy told her as she walked away.

“What did she want?” Hudson asked as he sat next to Amanda.

She could feel the electric current running between them, and the tingles were racing up and down her body.

Amanda just shrugged, “Just checking to see how I was doing since she hadn’t seen me all week.

“So, some of the guys were thinking about watching the game tonight. Do you want to go?” Hudson asked.

Amanda didn’t want to lie to Hudson. Things had been going so well. But she needed some alone time to herself. She knew that a party wasn’t alone time, but it would be a bit of time without Hudson being right there next to her.

“I think I might do some studying at the library and then see if Ruby needs my help closing tonight. But you go ahead and go. The guys sound like they need some bonding time with you.” she said with a smile.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

Amanda nodded.

He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

“I’ll meet you later at Ruby’s.”

“Have fun.”

Hudson jumped up and walked back over to the guys. They cheered when they heard it was a guy’s night for them.

Amanda laughed and pulled out her phone. She rolled her eyes when she saw yet another text from Calvin.

She swiped the message and opened her phone looking for Tabitha’s last text.

Amanda: The guys are having a guy’s night. Want to go to a Party?

Mated to my Bully