Chapter 43

Amanda and Tabitha walked into the party that was already going and filled with tons of people. They squeezed past the people that were dancing and talking as they made their way to where Kimmy said she would be.

“You made it!” Kimmy squealed as she threw her arms up into the air and walked over to the girls.

“Wow, this party is crazy packed,” Amanda told Kimmy laughing.

Tabitha looked over at Amanda and rolled her eyes at Amanda. This wasn’t Tabitha’s normal scene, and it made her wolf edgy with so many people around.

“I’m going to go and grab something to drink, do you want something?” Tabitha asked Amanda.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Amanda answered.

Tabitha nodded and made her way toward the kitchen.

“So, I guess you made up with that guy, huh?” Kimmy yelled over the music.

Amanda shrugged, “I don’t know, I guess. I don’t know what to make of the situation between me and Hudson.” She admitted.

“Well, now is not the time to figure it out. Look who just walked in.” Kimmy nodded her head in the direction of the entryway.

Amanda turned and saw Calvin. He was staring her down and making his way toward her quickly.


“Hey, so you are still alive,” he said to Amanda.

“Hi Calvin, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch with you. I’ve just had a lot going on this week.” Amanda explained.

“Look, can we go somewhere and talk?” Calvin asked her.

Amanda looked around to see if she could see Tabitha but didn’t see her anywhere. She didn’t want to leave with Calvin without letting Tabitha know where she would be.

Amanda leaned over to Kimmy and said, “Hey when Tabitha comes back can you let her know that I went outside to talk with Calvin.”

Kimmy nodded and smiled.

“Don’t worry I’ll let her know,” Kimmy told her.

Amanda was still hesitant but followed Calvin out of the room. They walked through the kitchen but didn’t see Tabitha in there. Calvin grabbed two cups from the counter and handed one to Amanda. She looked at it questionably.

“It just punches. I swear.” Calvin told her as he took a drink of his.

Amanda tried to sniff the drink but could only smell the punch and nothing else.

She took a sip.

“Come on let’s see if we can find a spot outside,” he said as he grabbed her hand and led her outside.

Amanda took another sip of her drink as she walked around outside with Calvin and found that all the private spots were filled with people. Amanda started to feel a little dizzy and started to sway.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked her.

“I don’t know, all of a sudden I just got dizzy,” she told him.

“Let’s go find somewhere for you to sit.”

Amanda nodded and leaned n Calvin while he guided her back into the party.

Tabitha refused to touch any of the plastic cups that were sitting on the counter filled with punch and something else that she could barely smell. She was no fool. She was able to find two cans of soda that had not been opened and grabbed them before making her way back to where she left Amanda. This was a bad idea coming to this party and when Hudson found out it was going to be both their butts that got into trouble.

When Tabitha walked back over to where Kimmy was hanging out she didn’t see Amanda. She leaned over to Kimmy and asked, “Where’s Amanda?”  

Kimmy looked up at Tabitha confused for a moment as she looked around for their friend and then as if a light bulb came on Kimmy remembered.

“She told me to tell you that she went outside to go talk with Calvin.”

Tabitha’s eyes widened when she heard this.

“You let her go with that guy all by herself,” Tabitha yelled over the music.

Kimmy shrugged, “What, she’s fine.”

Tabitha growled with frustration as she turned and made her way out of the room and headed to the backyard. Tabitha walked all around and couldn’t find her friend anywhere. She pulled out her phone and tried to call her but there was no answer.

Tabitha tried to get a sense of where Amanda could be with her scent but with still being a young wolf and so many different scents around her she was having a hard time catching her friend’s scent. She knew what she was going to have to do.

She decided that she would mind-link all the guys and not just Hudson.

Tab: Guys, I can’t find Amanda.

Hudson: She might still be at the library, or she already headed to Ruby’s to help her with the café.

Tabitha knew they were in so much trouble now.

Tab: No umm, we went to a party with her friend Kimmy and now I can’t find her anywhere.

Hudson began to growl as he got up from the bleachers and made his way out of the stadium.

Marco: Tab, where’s the party?

Tab: We’re on our way.

Tab: Thanks.

Marco: Don’t thank us yet. He’s not happy.

Tabitha let out a breath as her heart raced.

Tab: No, I didn’t think he would be.

Tabitha made her way back to Kimmy to try and get more information.

“Kimmy, she’s not outside.”

Kimmy looked around at the guys that were around her looking for answers, but they didn’t give any.

“I don’t know then; did you try her cell?”

“Of course, I tried her cell,” Tabitha said as she clenched her fists so she wouldn’t strangle Kimmy.

One of the guys finally piped up, “Maybe he took her to his room.”


“Calvin is one of our pledges and lives here. He might have taken her to his room,” he said nonchalantly.

Tabitha started to really freak out now.

“Where’s his room?” She asked him.

“On the second floor, but you won’t be able to get up there. Only fraternity members are allowed upstairs.”

“Get up. You’re taking me up there.” Tabitha demanded.

The guy looked at her for a moment and then rolled his eyes as he got up from his seat and headed to the stairs.

Amanda didn’t know what was going on but could hear Calvin saying something to her. She wanted to get up and find Tabitha. This was a bad idea to come to this party and she just wanted to go home.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Calvin asked her as she tried to sit up.

“Calvin please I need to go?”

“But we just got here. Come on, just relax for a bit,” he said as he pulled her back down onto the bed.

Amanda’s head started to grow fuzzy again as she lay back. She vaguely heard Calvin talking about how she almost messed up his chances of winning the bet.

Amanda’s heart raced as she became scared and tried to sit up again.

“You’re not going anywhere until I get what I want,” Calvin told her.

Mated to my Bully