Chapter 44

Hudson tore through her door to the party. His wolf was on the edge, and he was so angry at Amanda for lying to him.

He caught sight of Tabitha making her way to the stairs.

“Tabitha!” Hudson called out.

Tabitha turned when she heard her name. She was relieved and scared all at once when she saw Hudson and the look that was on his face.

“Where is she?” He asked when he caught up to her.

“I think she’s upstairs with him.”

Hudson didn’t think he could get even angrier than he already was.

“With who?” He snarled.

Tabitha let out a breath as she whispered but he clearly heard it.

“With Calvin.”

“What?” I thought you told her about him.” Marco stepped in when he heard who Amanda could be with.

“I did.”

“What, what’s going on?” Hudson asked his two friends.

They both looked at him squeamishly before admitting what they knew.

Marco started, “I overheard him talking to his friends about making a bet about getting Amanda into bed with him.”

Hudson let out a fearsome growl and both Marco and Tabitha stepped back.

Hudson turned to the guy and asked, “Did you know anything about this?”

“No way,” he admitted as he put his hands up in surrender.

He turned to the guy that was blocking the stairs and said, “Let them up, they need to go to Calvin’s room.”

The guy nodded and pulled the rope back to allow them through.

Hudson flew up the stairs quickly. All he was seeing was red if he wasn’t a careful guy until he couldn’t move ever again.

Amanda was trying to push Calvin away from her as she put both arms against his chest. But he wasn’t moving. She could feel him kissing her neck and it was making her stomach churn. She jumped when she felt one of his hands on her stomach underneath her shirt.

“Calvin, please.” Was all Amanda could get out before the dizziness hit her again.

“That’s what I thought,” Calvin said as he continued to kiss her neck and move his hand farther up under her shirt.

Before he could do any more there was a pounding at his door.

“Go away, I’m busy,” he yelled to whoever was making all the racket.

They pounded again.

“I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t go away now.” Calvin threatened.

The door then was kicked open which shocked Calvin to lean away from Amanda and she fell back.

Hudson walked into the room, and he was furious at the scene he was looking at.

“Hey, get out of here,” Calvin yelled to Hudson.

Hudson walked over and grabbed Calvin by the shirt and lifted him.

“That’s my girl, you’re messing with.”

Calvin’s eyes were large and tried to pull himself out of Hudson’s grip.

Hudson looked over at Amanda and noticed she was laying there on the bed.

“Tabitha, check on Amanda.”

Tabitha ran over and tried to get Amanda up. But Amanda looked like she was passed out. Tabitha leaned over and sniffed her breath. She sat up and looked scared at Hudson.

“Hudson, she’s been drugged.”

Hudson threw Calvin across the room. Calvin tried to get up quickly, but Hudson walked right over to him in two strides and picked him up again.

“I didn’t do anything. It was all her. She threw herself at me.” Calvin lied.

“I know about the bet,” Hudson said to him in his ear.

The look of fear on Calvin’s face made Hudson smile. He looked over at Marco and Tabitha.

“Get her out of here and take her over to Ruby’s”. He ordered them.

Marco moved over to the bed and picked Amanda up and carried her out of the room.

When he passed Noah and Foster Marco told them, “Make sure our Alpha doesn’t kill him.”

They both nodded.

Tabitha followed closely behind. The party had gotten rowdy, and it was hard to push through the crowd. A fight broke out not too far from them and Tabitha was pulled into the mass which started a fire by where she was.

“Marco!” Tabitha called out.

Marco turned and stilled as he saw Tabitha being pushed around. He knew that she could handle herself, but she was his mate, and his wolf was very protective of their mate as they should be.

Marco is conflicted about what to do. Put Amanda down in a chair by the stairs and then made his way to where Tabitha was to pull her out of there and get her to safety.

Marco mind-links Hudson.

Marco: Hey, you need to get out of there. There’s fire down here and I need help with the girls.

Marco was able to pull Tabitha out as the room started to fill with smoke. People were screaming and pushing as they tried to get out of the house.

“Marco, where’s Amanda?” Tabitha asked once they were outside safe.

“I have to go back in and get her,” he told her.

“You left her in there?”

“You needed my help. You’re my mate. I wasn’t going to leave you behind.”

Tabitha’s heart filled when she heard her mate tell her how important she was to him. But it made her feel guilty because she made him have to choose between her and their future Luna.

This wasn’t good.

Hudson ran out of the house with Foster and Noah shortly after him. He held onto his chest as he felt pain and his wolf howled.

“Where’s Amanda?” Hudson asked Marco and Tabitha.

They were about to answer when they heard the siren of the Firetruck pulling into the driveway.

“She’s still inside,” Marco admitted.

Hudson growled at his friend and turned to go back into the burning house.

“I’m sorry you can’t go in there.” the fireman told him as he pushed Hudson back from the burning house.

“But my girlfriend is still in there and she’s passed out,” he told the fireman.

“Do you know where she is?”

Marco stepped up and answered, “Bottom floor close to the stairs.”

Hudson looked at Marco confused, “I didn’t see her there when we came down the stairs, I would have sensed her.”

“I swear Hudson, it was in a chair by the stairs that I left her cause Tab was in trouble.”

Hudson looked at Tabitha who looked away and couldn’t look him in the eye. Something was up, but now wasn’t the time to ask questions.

“If she’s in there we’ll find her.” the fireman told them.

The windows in the house burst as the fire grew. Hudson ran his hands through his hair as he anxiously waited for them to bring Amanda out of the house. When he saw two fireman exit the house with someone over their shoulders his chest filled with hope. When they deposited the person onto the piece of shit Calvin they had found.

Hudson was freaking out. Where was Amanda?

Amanda let out a cough as she was being carried away from the burning house.

“Don’t worry small girl. Everything will be okay.” The Hungarian voice told her.

Mated to my Bully