Chapter 46

Hudson didn’t realize what he was doing until he heard the others calling out his name and Marco pulling him off Ruby. he shook his head as he regained control of himself.

Ruby was trying to catch her breath as she held her hand to her throat.

“I’m sorry Ruby, I didn’t mean…”

Ruby held her other hand up to stop him from continuing, It’s fine Alpha. I should have been more careful and had considered how it sounded to you.”

“Ruby, please sit down and explain how you know where Amanda is and why you hadn’t told us yet,” Tabitha instructed.

Ruby nodded as she walked over to the couch and took a seat. Marco handed her a glass of water to help her throat.

“Thank you,” she said as she took a sip and cleaned her throat.

Hudson stayed farther back in the room as he paced, waiting to hear what Ruby had to say.

“Right before closing, I had a visitor come in. I immediately recognized him as the boy that had come in with Amanda one day and we had discussed different types of coffee.”

Hudson froze.

“Deak?” Tabitha asked to make sure that they were talking about the same guy.

Ruby nodded.

“The Lycan was here. Why didn’t you tell me?” He growled.

“Please let me continue. He told me that he had information about Amanda, and he was looking out for her.”

“He was playing you. He’s the one that attacked the pack.” Hudson started to yell.

“Do you know that for you sure?” Ruby asked him.

Hudson ran his hands through his hair, “Just tell me, does he have Amanda?”

Ruby let out a sigh.


Hudson started to growl as he picked up an item and threw it at the wall. It smashed immediately on impact.

“Hudson, you need to calm down,” Marco told him.

“Did he tell you where he has her?” Hudson asked his voice filled with anger.

“He’s supposed to call with her whereabouts in a few hours. But I need to tell you, he’s not the one that attacked the pack.”


“He wants to be the one to explain the situation. When he came in tonight he was concerned for Amanda’s well-being. He had heard that there was going to be an attempt to kidnap her at the party. While everyone was focused on the fight that had broken out and the fire that had mysteriously started at the same time. He was able to sweep in and pull her out of there without anyone seeing him.”

“So, if he’s supposedly looking out for her. Why didn’t he just leave her here with you?”

“Because there are still people that are looking for her. He’s waiting for the right time to have us come get her.”

“This sounds like a trap,” Hudson said as he shook his head. He didn’t trust this guy.

“Hudson remember when you mentioned that the Lykan in the alley didn’t smell like the one you had fought with?”


“Deak was the Lykan in the alley. I recognized his smell when he came in tonight.”

“So, he is out to hurt Amanda.”

“No, I think he was there to watch over her and make sure no one else attacked her. There have been so many times that he could have hurt her if he wanted to. But he hasn’t.”

“So, what are we supposed to do now?” Hudson said with a huff as he flung his arms up in the air.

“We wait patiently until we hear from him. He’s not going to hurt her. I promise.”

“I’m holding you to it, Ruby. if anything happens to Amanda it’s going to be on you.”

Ruby nodded, “I understand.”

Now all they could do was wait until they heard from the Lykan.

Amanda was awakened by a hand that was shaking her.

“Deak, what’s wrong?”

“We need to go. I need to get you somewhere safe.” He told her as he pulled her up from the couch and waited to see if she could walk on her own.

She nodded to let him know that she was alright.

“Can we call Hudson and have him come get me?” She asked him as she followed him through the house they were at.

“Not yet, we need to put distance between us and the house.”

“Deak, this doesn’t make any sense. Why are people after me?” she tried to stop but he continued to pull her as they started to head down the stairs of a basement.

“There are lots of things that you don’t know about. And would be extremely overwhelming to explain everything to you while trying to make a run for it.”

In the basement, there was a private study that had a hidden door behind the bookcase.

“Seriously, you have a hidden door behind the bookcase?”

He chuckled, “I know it seems cliché, but these houses are very old and have lots of hidden tunnels to get across town without anyone knowing.”

“Do the people that are looking for me know about these tunnels?”

Deak sighed, “I hope not, or else this will be all for nothing. Now let’s go, I can smell them getting closer to the house.”

Amanda followed Deak through the tunnels, they were dark, damp, and had a nasty lingering smell. They reached a door that was covered in cobwebs. Deak kicked the door to push it open and pulled Amanda through the door. Amanda looked around and noticed it to be an old crypt or mausoleum that they were in.

“Where are we?” She asked him.

“This my mother’s family mausoleum.”

“But aren’t you…?”

He nodded before answering, “I was born and raised for most of my life in Hungary.”

“When did you move here?”

“I moved here about three years ago after my parents died. My mother left my house. She told me stories about how she grew up in a house with family before she met a father and left with him, I’m now only living decedent from her side so everything was given to me.”

“I’m so sorry Deak.”

“Yes, well there’s much more to the story but I think we probably should make a phone call to my boyfriend. I’m sure he’s going crazy waiting for the call.” He said with a smirk.

Amanda shook her head.

“Why do you like driving him crazy so much?”

He shrugged, “it’s how I’ve always seen little wolves. Just troublesome little dogs wanting to pretend to be a big bad wolf.”

“Isn’t that what you are?” She asked with a smirk on her lips.

“Very funny small girl. You must be careful; my bite is far worse than my bark.” He said as he showed her his fangs.

Amanda’s eyes widened as she took a step away from Deak.

Deak started to laugh.

“I’m kidding, only a little.” He said as he showed a small size with his fingers. “Now give me your phone.”

Amanda pulled out her phone and opened it before handing it to Deak.

He took the phone and pushed to call the number that was waiting for him.

“Wolf, I believe I have something of yours. Would you like her back?” He said with a devilish smile.

Mated to my Bully