Chapter 47

Hudson clenched his fits as he sat and listened to the annoying Lycan through the phone.

“Where’s Amanda, is she safe?” Hudson growled into the phone.

“Perhaps you like to talk with her.” He told Hudson.

Hudson could hear the shuffling of the phone before his eyes rolled into the back of his head when he heard his mate’s voice.


“Amanda! Are you okay?” He asked her, his voice laced with concern.

“Yes, I’m okay. I’m sorry Hudson, I’m so sorry.” She tried to tell him.

“Alright, you heard she’s okay and not hurt,” Deak told him.

“Why are you doing this?” Hudson asked.

“I’ll explain when you get here.”

“Where do you need me to go?”

“Only you and one other, so not suspicious. We need to remain unseen.”

“I understand.”

“Habersham Cemetery in one hour, text her phone when you have come to the cemetery then I’ll give you directions.”

“I’ll be there.”

“I enjoy meeting you face to face.”

“Not more than I will.”

Hudson heard him laugh before the call was disconnected. Hudson pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it while his chest was moving at a fast rate. His wolf was pushing to the surface and there was a large part of him that wanted him to take over. But he knew that wouldn’t be the right way to handle this. He needed to keep his thoughts straight. In one hour, he would hopefully be seeing his mate, and this wasn’t a trap to get him caught or killed.

“Who are you going to take with you, Hudson?” Tabitha asked.

He knew they all heard the phone call as he looked up from the phone and surveyed the room. He didn’t know who he should take with him. If he took Foster or Noah they would only push him to do something crazy and wouldn’t help the situation in any way. If he took Marco, then Tab would be worried for both of them. And if he took Tab, then Marco would be freaked out about his mate. And then his eyes settled on Ruby.

“Ruby, will you go with me?”

Ruby’s eyes lit up with happiness when she heard him ask her to go with him. She was worried about Amanda and needed to see for herself that she was okay. She couldn’t explain it but there was a close bond between her and Amanda. And she wanted to make sure that her promise held that she was okay.

“Of course, Alpha.” She said with a nod.

“Wait Alpha, are you sure? Maybe one of the guys should come with you instead.” Marco suggested.

Hudson turned to his friend and rested his hand on his shoulder before saying, “If I take you or Tab, you’ll both be concerned for the other one. Foster and Noah are still on my shit list for what they did. Amanda will be happy to see Ruby and I know that she’ll be safe with Ruby.” 

Marco’s eyes were filled with concern. He wanted to have his Alpha’s back, but he had a point. His and Tab’s relationship was still too new and all they focused on was the mate bond. As much as he wanted it to be wrong he knew this to be true. He simply nodded his head in understanding.

O you want us to do while you’re gone?” He asked.

“Head back to the pack, and inform my mother of the situation. Don’t talk with anyone else about anything. We still don’t know who we can and can’t trust within the pack.” He instructed. 

Marco nodded, “Understood.”

“Make sure to be aware of your surroundings we don’t know who’s watching us at this time,” Tab told him as she gave him a hug. Marco growled softly.

Hudson looked over to his friend and lifted his eyebrow at him.

“Sorry Alpha.”

Hudson just chuckled.

He walked them to the front door and watched them head out. He let out a sigh, he hoped his friends got home safely with no interruptions. He turned and looked at Ruby.

“You ready?”

“Yes, Alpha.” She told him.

Ruby walked over to the front door and grabbed her purse and keys before stepping out and locking the door behind her.

“What about the café?” Hudson asked.

With a flick of her wrist, Ruby answered, “It’s fine, I’ll put a note on the door that we’re closed for the day. I’m sure the staff will be happy to have a day off.”

Hudson nodded as he followed her down the stairs.

“Thank you for letting me come with you to get Amanda,” Ruby said softly as she finished locking up and made their way toward her car.

“I’ve noticed you two seem to be close.”

Ruby made a noise in her throat and nodded.

“I don’t know what it is about her to be quite honest, but she’s just become important to me,”

Hudson smirked.

He liked hearing that Amanda was making friends within the pack and that people were liking her. It would make it a lot easier when he made the announcement to the rest of the pack that she was his mate.

“Habersham cemetery is about twenty minutes away from here, but I want to not park in front of the cemetery. We need to make sure that no one is following us.”

Ruby agreed as she started her car up and got on the road. She made it look like she was running errands as she stopped off at the bank and then headed into a small boutique. Hudson stayed outside in the car and just watched while he waited.

Ruby walked out and had a shawl wrapped around her head and a new pair of sunglasses on. She opened the passenger door that Hudson was sitting at.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re driving.”

Hudson got out of the car and headed for the driver’s side.

“What’s with the shawl and glasses?”

“In case someone is actually watching us if they see two people go in but three people come out then they’ll know she’s with us. But if we have just two people walk in and out, and one is wearing the shawl and glasses they’ll just assume that it was us.”

Hudson shook his head but smiled.

“Creative thinking. Where are you going to go?” He asked her.

“Oh, don’t you worry about me. I can always find my way home.” She said as she pulled her sunglasses down and gave him a wink.

They pulled up along a wall on the back side of the cemetery. They both looked around before getting out of the car.

The cemetery was nestled by a big forest Ruby and Hudson made their way deep into the forest before they decided to shift into their wolves and make their way back to the cemetery. Once inside the cemetery, they shifted back and texted Amanda’s phone.

The phone rang.

“Head to Duvall Mausoleum, we’ll be waiting inside.”

“Duvall Mausoleum,” Hudson repeated for Ruby.

It wasn’t too far from where they were and walked inside. The place looked deserted.

“Hello, small wolf. So nice to finally meet you.”

Mated to my Bully