Chapter 52

Hudson was ready to rip Deak’s head off when he heard that the Lycan that was messing with him, his mate, and his pack was Deak’s uncle.

“ I don’t understand, if the Lykan King is your uncle then why are helping us and not him?” Hudson asked through gritted teeth.

Amanda continued to try to keep Hudson calm but there was only so much that she could do with the information that they were receiving. 

Deak ran a hand through his hair. He had more information, but he wasn’t ready to tell them everything he knew not until he was completely sure he was correct. He slipped when he told Ruby about Amanda being adopted. He hadn’t planned to tell anyone that just yet. But this was getting harder for him to piece all the puzzle pieces together to get the real picture.

“I understand your frustration, give me a chance to explain what I can before you try to kill me,” Deak told Hudson.

Hudson’s fist clenched tighter, and his breathing became more labored as he stared with death in his eyes at Deak.

Amanda quietly spoke up as she tugged on Hudson to try and get him to stop staring at Deak and look at her.

“Hudson, maybe we should give him a chance and listen to what he has to say. He did save me. Deak told me that the fire was premeditated and there were people there that were going to take me.”

Hudson’s heart pounded even harder as he listened to what Amanda was telling him. He turned and looked at her with concern laced in his eyes. He unclenched his fist and his breathing calmed.

“I wish this wasn’t happening to you. This isn’t how it was supposed to be for us.” He whispered as he cradled her in his arms.

“Why don’t we go and sit in the living room to listen to Deak,” Ruby suggested.

Hudson and Amanda nodded and started to walk toward the living room. Ruby had tugged on Deak to hold back a minute and said under her breath as quietly as possible, “Don’t bring up about Amanda being adopted, not until you are completely sure.”

Deak nodded.

He had no intention of bringing any of that up or about the Creole Coven. The pieces were not all there to even start to explain any of that.

Ruby followed Deak to the living room and sat down next to him. As he started to explain things about his Uncle and how he’s rich and greedy, and always hungry for power. Ruby started making a mental list of researching more about Amanda. She didn’t want to go straight to her parents first but maybe she could talk with Luna and see how to look into private adoptions, of course, they would need Amanda’s date of birth. She suddenly felt a pinch on her back nonchalantly from Deak which helped bring her attention and focus back to the current situation.

“So, after everything you’ve just told us. Your uncle the Lykan King wants Amanda, but we don’t have definite clues as to why even though she’s mated to me and I’m the future Alpha of my pack and he’s already attacked my pack and attacked my father. He’s rich and greedy, hungry for power, and is the reason that we are having these attacks on campus. But there’s a bigger reason why he wants Amanda, but you can’t tell me why?” Hudson recited.

Deak slowly nodded in agreement.

“I call Bullshit,” Hudson said as he stood up and started to pace the room.

Amanda just sat there in a daze, none of this was making sense. But when had it made sense? Amanda rested her elbows on her knees as she cradle her head in her hands. All she wanted was to go to College and be a normal girl, having normal college experiences but instead, she attended the same college her high school bully attended. But he no longer wants to be the Bully instead he wants to be her mate because not only is he human but he’s also a wolf and can shift. And to top it all off, now she’s being hunted by the Lykan King could someone please stick a fork in her cause she’s done?

“So, what does this mean exactly for Amanda, are we supposed to keep her hidden so that they can’t find her? What about her classes? She can’t fall behind. That’s not fair to her.” Ruby chimed in.

Amanda looked up with a look of relief. Thank you Ruby for looking out for her needs.

Both Deak and Hudson looked at Amanda.

“She should sit here.” They both declared at the same time.

Both guys looked at each other, at least they had that in common. They both were worried for Amanda.

Deak knew that in order to get Hudson to trust him he was going to have to give him more information. But he wasn’t ready to tell Amanda. It would just be too much for her to handle, especially after everything that has happened to her recently.

Deak approached Hudson and asked, “Can I speak to you quietly?”

Hudson nodded and followed Deak outside.

Once they were outside Hudson leaned against the house and crossed his arms over his chest giving Deak his undivided attention.

“Look, I know this sounds crazy, but I have a feeling that there’s a bigger reason why my Uncle wants a small girl.”

“Why do you call her small girl?” 

“Cause she’s small and a girl. Plus, it annoys her.” Deak answered with a shrug.

Hudson shook his head and smirked.

“Alright, I’m listening.”

“I’ve been looking into the past of small girl and not everything lines up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, for one thing, she has no birth certificate and there’s no record of parents at the hospital.”

“They might have done childbirth at home with a midwife, but the birth certificate is odd.”

“Also, when she was hurt and had to go to the hospital her blood type didn’t match her parents.”

Hudson tensed, “When was this?”

“Just a few years ago. I believe I’m not sure.”

Hudson closed his eyes and clenched his fist. It was his fault that she had to go to the hospital, he caused her that much pain. He needed to let it go, they were in a different place now a better one. She was giving them a chance and he wasn’t going to mess it up. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He took in everything that he just heard from Deak.

“So, what you’re saying is that you think Amanda is adopted?” Hudson let out.

“From what I can gather at the moment yes.”

“Then who are her real parents?”

“I have nothing at the moment.” He said with a shrug.

Amanda sat on the couch as she waited for Hudson and Deak to come back inside from their little talk. She didn’t understand why they couldn’t just talk in front of her. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and pulled it out to see her mom’s name across the phone.

She answered without thinking twice.


Mated to my Bully