Chapter 53

Ruby had been standing near the door to hear what the boys were talking about outside; she rolled her eyes when she heard Deak disclose to Hudson about Amanda being adopted. Didn’t she say not to bring that up? Did anything she had said get into his thick skull? Ruby was lost in thought when she suddenly heard Amanda say the word “Mom” and turned her complete attention to her.

“Oh Amanda, thank goodness I was able to get ahold of you. Are you alright dear?” Ruby heard the female voice say through the phone.

Amanda looked wide eyes at Ruby not knowing what to tell her mom. Ruby nodded her head to show that Amanda should let her mom know that she was okay.

“Yeah Mom, I’m okay.”

“Oh, I’m so relieved. Your father and I received a call from Officer Riley telling us that you had gone missing, and I just nearly died. I don’t understand why he was calling us if you’re okay? Where are you? Are you in your dorm? We tried to call your dorm room first but there was no answer.”

Ruby could hear the entire phone call and seemed a little reserved about how her mother was sounding as if someone was pushing her to get information. She quickly walked over to Amanda while her mom was going on and on and checked her location settings. Ruby let out a sigh when she saw that they were turned off. She started to mouth to Amanda what she should tell her mother.

“No, Mom I’m staying with a friend this weekend, but I’ll be on campus again on Monday,” Amanda repeated into the phone.

Ruby gave her a thumbs up and when the boys opened the door to come back in Ruby quickly placed her finger over her mouth. And pointed to Amanda.

“Well, what should I tell this Officer Riley if he calls again?” Her mom asked.

“I’ll call him and let him know that I’m fine. I have to go now, Mom. I love you and Dad so much. I’ll call you later. Bye.”

Amanda ended the call and looked at Hudson with concern.

“What happened?” Hudson asked.

“Amanda’s mom just called asking her if she was okay because Officer Riley called her parents to let them know their daughter was missing. And then preceded to ask where she was and if she was in her dorm. Her tone didn’t sound right.” Ruby explained and then asked, “Why would Steven call her parents?”

Hudson shook his head before answering, “I’m not sure, but maybe it’s time I check in with our officer and see what he knows.”

Hudson pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts before pressing send and placing the phone to his ear.

“Alpha, I’m glad you called. Do you have any new information about the Stevens girl?” Officer Steven Riley asked when he answered the phone.

“I was calling you to ask the same question. So, I assume you haven’t found her yet?” Hudson asked.

“Nothing yet, it’s been a busy night. With the fire and disappearance, there was also another attack on campus.”

“Are they ok?” Hudson asked.

“Looks like the victim received the same amount of abuse as the other two victims. But a new development has come up. The victims have now gone missing. We can’t find them anywhere.” Officer Riley told Hudson.

Hudson looked at Deak who was giving him a confused look as well and then whispered, “Ask if the victims had any bites on them.”

“Steven, did you ever hear from the doctors about any wounds on the victims that look like bites?”

“No, nothing they said that stood out as one why?”

“Just asking. so about the Stevens girl, did you call her parents?”

“No, I didn’t think we should worry them until it had been more than forty-eight hours that she had been missing. Should I call them and see if they have heard from her at all?”

Hudson looked around at everyone in the room confused. Either Steven was lying to him about calling Amanda’s parents or someone else called them posing as Officer Riley and the Lycans know a lot more than they thought.

“No, give it the forty-eight hours. Hopefully, she’ll show up on campus on Monday.” Hudson answered.

“You must be going crazy right now with worry,” Steven spoke.

“Not any more worried than I have been for any of the other victims. Why?” Hudson asked.

“I thought she was…I was under the assumption that she was…never mind.” Steven babbled.

Hudson became guarded and skeptical at that moment. He hadn’t told the rest of the pack that he was mated to Amanda. There was only a select few that knew and had been sworn to secrecy. He would need to investigate how Officer Steven found out that Amanda was his mate.

“Well keep me posted if you hear anything,” Hudson told him and then ended the call.

“Do you think that he could be your spy?” Deak asked as he lean against the door and watched Hudson.

“Possibly, somehow he knows that Amanda is my mate. As much as I want to keep her safe and away from the college, this will be the first place they look when trying to find her while I’m away from her.”

“So, what do we do?” Amanda asked.

“We should talk with Luna and let her know what’s going on. She’s probably already on her way here and going to kill us for keeping her out of the loop this long.” Ruby suggested.

“Nope, she’s here,” Hudson announced as he sensed his mom and opened the door for her as she was walking up the path.

“I’m glad to see you, ok son,” she said with a nice petting gesture to his face and then took her hand and slapped him upside the head.

“Could you at least let me know that you’re ok? Ruby was the only one to give me some notice that Amanda had been found. I had been worried sick.” Luna Cynthia said as she walked into the room and stilled by the stranger in Ruby’s living room.

“What’s this?” Luna Cynthia said with caution as she pointed at Deak and started to catch his scent.

The Luna’s eyes began to glow as her wolf was edging on the surface to go into protection mode.

“Luna Cynthia, he’s not the one that hurt the Alpha or has caused the attacks on campus. He’s rescued Amanda from the house. He’s here to help us. His name is Deak.”

Deak strolled up to the Luna and smirked, “So sexy, even for the wolf.”

Luna Cynthia growled as she walked past the Lykan and made her way over to Amanda and sat next to her.

“Are you okay?” She asked Amanda.

“It’s been quite the adventure.” She admitted.

“I’m sure. So, what have you found out?” Luna asked.

Ruby quickly filled Luna in about what had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

“We also have speculations that Steven might be the spy,” Hudson said quietly.

“Your father’s cousin!” Luna Cynthia cried. It had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

“We also have speculations that Steven might be the spy,” Hudson said quietly.

“Your father’s cousin!” Luna Cynthia cried.

Mated to my Bully