Chapter 54

Ring, Ring.

“Ahh Steven, it’s been a while since I’ve heard from you.” The deep voice answered.

“Apologies, my king.”

“Have you found the girl, yet?” The deep voice asked.

“No, my king. I’m sorry, there have been no sightings of the girl. I even called out to her parents and tried to get something from them. But they were no use.” Steven confessed.

“Pesky humans, I despise them. Far more than incompetent wolves.” The deep voice said with disgust.

“Apologies my king. I’m doing my best.” Stevens spoke.

“Your best isn’t good enough for me, I grow tired of your impotence.” The deep voice snarled.

“I’ll find her my king. I promise I’ll get her for you.” Steven pleaded.

“This is your last chance. See that you don’t mess it up.” The deep voice threatened before ending the call.

The tall handsome figure sitting at the dark mahogany desk pinched the bridge of his nose and said to himself, “I’m surrounded by fools.”

He picked up his phone again and hit the call button next to a number he had on speed dial.

Deak felt a vibration in his pocket, when he pulled the phone out to see who was calling he almost looked sick.

“I have to take this.” He said as he walked outside and away from the house.

“Igen, (Yes)” Deak answered.

“Ahh, Unokaocs (Nephew) I am sad that you don’t call me.” The deep voice said to him.

“Sorry Nagybacsi (Uncle)”

“Please tell me you have the girl.”

“Nem (No) Uncle. I told you; I’ve gone home for the weekend.”

“Unokaocs please, you are the only one I can trust. Don’t let me down.”

Deak sighed, “Nem Uncle I won’t let you down.”

“Your father would be so proud, of us working together to build a powerful Lycan kingdom here in the Americas, it was your father’s dying wish.”

Deak rubbed his face as he listened to his Uncle.

“Igen. You’ve told me.”

“Let me know when you’ve found the girl.”

“Igen Uncle.”

Deak ended the call.

He stared at his phone as his anger started to pool. His father and he didn’t have the greatest relationship, he was closer to his mother. She would always try and defend him against his father and uncle, but it never ended well.

She would always tell him, “One of these days something wonderful is going to happen to you and you’ll have the power and strength to stand up to the both of them.”

Deak focused on the happy memories of his mother as he calmed the Lycan side of him down. He stared deeply at his hand as he concentrated, and a ball of green fire appeared levitating above his hand. But then extinguished shortly after. He clenched his fist, if only his mother were here to help him with learning all this, but she wasn’t, he was all alone. Deak looked toward the house if he could only find the pieces he was missing to connect the puzzle that his uncle was wielding.

It was getting harder and harder trying to play both sides of the coin. But in order to find out what his uncle had planned he had to play the part.

Deak walked back into the house.

“Everything okay?” Amanda asked him when he walked in.

He looked at her and gave her a small smile.

“Of course, small girl. There’s nothing to worry about.” He told her.

She turned the smile.

Amanda wished she knew why the Lykan King was so enamored with her and wanted her so badly. What could she possibly do for him to make him more powerful? She was nothing more than a simple human.

Amanda let out a sigh.

She felt Hudson start to rub her back.

“Are you doing okay?” He asked her.

She let out a small laugh before answering, “Honestly, I have no clue. I just don’t understand why Deak’s uncle wants me. There’s nothing special about me.”

Amanda shrugged as leaned against Hudson.

Hudson pushed her back up so that he could turn her to face him and cupped both hands around her  face and said, “You are very special, you know why?”

She smirked, “Because I’m mated to you?”

Hudson nodded, “Well yes, but that’s not the only reason. You are a very strong person, you have handled so much, and endured so much, and yet none of that stopped you. You kept going, and no matter how many times you were pushed down, you picked yourself right up and kept going. There is something very powerful in you Amanda. I’m the one who is lucky to be mated to you.”

“Thank you.” She said as she leaned and gave him a small kiss.

Luna Cynthia smiled, “Does this mean?”

Hudson nodded, “She’s giving me a chance.”

“Oh, this is wonderful news, I can’t wait to tell your father when he wakes.” Luna Cynthia exclaimed.

“How is the Alpha doing?” Amanda asked.

Luna Cynthia’s heart ached when she had to tell that fib. She didn’t like lying to her future daughter-in-law, but they needed to play this out to find the spy. She hoped it wasn’t true that it was Steven. She knew he wasn’t happy when Ben was chosen to be Alpha over him by his father. But to be fair, Ben was the better Alpha and had taken the pack far under his rule. She didn’t want to have to tell her husband that his cousin was conspiring behind his back, but she knew he needed to know. 

Luna Cynthia rose from her seat, “Well I should be heading back, I hope to see you two at dinner later.” Hudson and Amanda both nodded agreeing that they would be at the pack house later to eat with the pack.

Luna Cynthia hugged her longtime friend, “Please be careful.” She whispered into her friend’s ear.

Ruby chuckled.

“Don’t you worry about me? I can take care of myself. But we do need to talk later about something once we are alone.” Ruby told her friend.

Luna Cynthia nodded and then left.

“I’m going to go and take a shower and get ready before we head to the Packhouse. You can stay here.” Amanda announced.

Hudson shook his head, “I’m not letting you go anywhere by yourself.”

Amanda pouted for a moment and then let out a scream before running up the stairs as Hudson quickly followed her.

“And then there were two,” Deak said to Ruby with a smile.

When the King ended the call with his nephew a beautiful woman walked into the room with long dark hair. She walked over to the king and cuddled into his lap.

“What’s wrong my king?” She asked.

“I’m afraid, we might have to use you as a last resort if my nephew fails to get me what I want.” He said mournfully.

“Don’t worry my king, I’ll get you what you want.” She purred to him.

Mated to my Bully