Chapter 55

Amanda walked into Professor Warren’s class on Monday with Hudson and Deak tagging along. She wasn’t happy about the extra security that Deak and Hudson had agreed on for her, but at least she was able to come back to school.

Professor Warren looked up from his podium and was taken aback by the scene.

“Mr. Valentin, to what do we owe the honor of your presence in this class?” Professor Warren asked.

“Just here to observe and be with friend Amanda,” Deak answered.

“I wasn’t aware that you two were friends.”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know Professor,” Deak said with a smirk.

“Watch it Mr. Valentin, or I’ll have you escorted out of  my classroom.” Professor Warren threatened.

Amanda glared at Deak to stop causing a disruption in the class. It was bad enough that the girls were giving her dirty looks for sitting between Hudson and Deak. She didn’t need any more Drama if the Professor started to pay more attention to her too. Amanda slouched in her seat a little as she tried to hide from the knowing stares in the classroom.

Hudson leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You have nothing to worry about. They have nothing on you.”

Amanda rolled her eyes and then whispered back, “That doesn’t stop them from being envious and killing me with their death glares.”

Deak chuckled.

“Is there something that you would like to share with the class Amanda?” Professor Warren asked as the entire room turned and looked at her.

Amanda went red in the face with embarrassment as she shook her head and said, “No, Professor. I’m sorry it won’t happen again.

Professor stared at her quietly for a moment before returning to the class lecture.

“I hate both of you right now.” She barely whispered, but she knew they both heard her as she could see them both lean back to look at each other and refrain from speaking to her the rest of the class period.

When class was over, Professor Warren called the three of them to the front of the class.

“Would you like to fill me in on what’s going on?” He asked them.

Amanda and Hudson stayed quiet, and Deak looked like he didn’t have a care in the world about anything.

Professor Warren looked between the three students, “I can wait, I’ve got nothing but time and plenty of patience.” He told them.

Deak rolled his eyes and then leaned in close to the Professor and said, “There was a situation over the weekend, and we are looking out for a friend.”

“What kind of situation?” Professor Warren asked with curiosity?”

“I was almost taken, but Deak found me and was able to get me away. Ruby and Hudson picked me up from Deak.” Amanda explained.

“Ruby? Why was Ruby in all this?”

“She’s fine, nothing happened to her,” Amanda assured him. “She and Hudson picked me up in an old Mausoleum that belonged to Deak’s mother’s family.”

“Mausoleum? Wait, what Mausoleum?” He asked with concern.

“Duvall Mausoleum,” Deak answered.

The Professor’s eyes grew wide when he heard what Deak had said. “Did Ruby…”

Deak nodded nonchalantly but then shook his head quickly to stop the professor from saying more.

Hudson caught on but didn’t say anything, he would just wait until later to get it out of Deak. he had a feeling that there was more to all of this, and he was getting tired of not getting the whole story.

Hudson wrapped his arm around Amanda and said, “Come on Amanda, we need to go. Professor, we’ll be at Ruby’s if you need anything else.”

The professor nodded and then said, “Mr. Valentin I need to speak with you.”

Deak answered, “Of course, Professor.” He looked over at Hudson and Amanda, “I’ll meet you later.”

Hudson and Amanda turned and walked out of the classroom. Hudson needed to drop Amanda off at Ruby’s before going to talk with some of the other packs. It seemed there were some attacks on the other packs and they were hit pretty hard.

“What do you think that was all about?” Amanda asked Hudson the second they were outside.

Hudson shrugged.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” He told her as he pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead.

Amanda was enjoying how she felt protected and safe when in Hudson’s arms. She wished he didn’t have to leave her back at Ruby’s. She wanted to stay with him and spend more time with him. But she knew that what he needed to do was important for all of them and respected his wishes for her to stay behind.

When they got to Ruby’s door, Hudson could hear talking inside. He tensed for a moment before Amanda opened the door. Amanda walked in and was surprised to see who was sitting in the living room with Ruby.

“Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?” She asked.

Melinda and Jason Stevens both looked relieved to see their daughter standing in front of them. But when they saw who was standing next to her their smiles dropped quickly.

Melinda stood up from the couch and pulled her daughter into a hug. “Amanda thank goodness, you’re all right.”

 Amanda hugged her mom, but she could feel the tenseness of the room in her mother’s touch.

“Why is the Harlow boy here?” Her mom whispered.

“Umm…” Amanda started, how was she going to explain all this?

Jason glared at Hudson as he pulled his wife back from his daughter and gave her a hug himself.

“I’m sure you have an explanation for all this.” He said to her, not caring who could hear.

He never liked the Harlow boy. It never sat well with him how Hudson got away with all the abuse he did to his little girl all through school. For when he had to take his little girl to the hospital because he “accidentally” scratched her neck. Please, who would have nails long enough to cause that deep wound that would need a few stitches?

“Daddy.” She whined to him in an embarrassed tone.

“I asked them to come here today, sugar,” Ruby told her.

“Why does he need to be here?” Jason asked with hatred in his voice.

Hudson tensed, he knew how they felt about him, and he didn’t blame them. He didn’t apologize to them for all the horrible things he did to their daughter.

“Because we’re together now. Hudson has apologized for the past and we are moving forward.” Amanda informed them as she took Hudson’s hand into hers in front of them.

Both of her parents looked at the grouped hands, then looked at each other and sighed.

“Please let’s sit and discuss why you’re here,” Ruby told them.

“Amanda after talking with Ruby, we feel that’s there something we should tell you.” Her mother spoke.

Amanda looked at them confused, “What is it?”

Melinda looked at her husband for support and he nodded for her to continue.

Melinda looked at her daughter, she could feel the stinging in her eyes as she got the courage to say, “We’re not your biological parents.”

Mated to my Bully