Chapter 56


Melinda and her husband were driving home late that night after receiving disturbing news from the doctor that they had visited a few towns over. Melinda had three miscarriages in the last few years and from what the doctor told them, it didn’t look like they would be able to have children.

Jason looked over at his wife who was weeping quietly in the corner of her seat. It broke his heart to see his wife so upset. Yes, it devastated him that they couldn’t conceive but that didn’t make him love his wife any less. There were plenty of other options for them to look into before giving up.

“Mel please, you haven’t stopped crying since we left the clinic.” He told her.

“I’m sorry J Jason, I wwant aa baby.” She hiccupped.

He reached and gently brushed the back of his hand against his wife’s cheek.

“I know dear, but we still have other options that we can look into.”

She nodded as she continued to sniff and huff as she tried to calm herself down.

Mel looked up at the road ahead and yelled, “Jason look out!”

Jason looked back to the road and quickly jerked the wheel to the right, missing the car that had swerved into their lane erratically like they were trying to get away.

Jason gained control of the car again and sighed. But then scrunched his eyebrows wondering where all the smoke was coming from.

Across the lane on the other side sat a car teetering close to the edge of the ravine. The front end was giving off a lot of smoke.

“Oh, my Jason.”

Jason pulled his car over and got out. He walked across the street towards the car slowly. He could see two people in the front seat, they looked to be unconscious.

Jason turned back to his wife, “Mel, call 911”

Mel got out of the car and started to call the number.

Jason looked in the back of the car and saw the car seat behind the passenger driver.

“Let them know there’s a baby in the car too.” He told her.

Mel nodded as she ran over to the passenger side of the car. She looked at the woman in the car and winced. She looked pretty banged up.

“Ma’am, can you hear me?” Mel called out.

Mel gently reached in to check for a pulse when she saw the woman’s eyes pop open and looked at her.

Mel jumped back and tried to move her hand away, but the woman grabbed it,

“Please,” the woman said softly.

“Please what?” Mel asked in fear.

“Please, take care of my baby. Don’t let them find her.” She said before passing out.

Mel pulled her arm out just as Jason had pulled the car seat out from the car. Both jumped back as the car slid forward and down the ravine. A few moments later they heard a crash and an explosion.

Mel shuddered.

“911 what’s your emergency?” The operator asked.

Mel looked at the phone and then put it back up to her ear and answered, “Yes, a car had fallen down the ravine on larkspur mountain please send the fire department and an ambulance.”

“Ok Ma’am stay with me. Do you know what happened?”

Mel looked at her husband and then looked down at the baby sitting in the car seat asleep. There was no mark on the girl, and the moment Mel’s eyes fell on her she was in love.

“No, we just saw the car slip over as we were driving past it.” She told the operator.

Jason wanted to interject but his wife held up her hand and stopped him.

“Alright, ma’am help is on the way.”

“Thank you, operator,” and hung up.

“Mel what about…?” He asked as he looked down at the beautiful girl. She looked so small and fragile in that car seat. His heart hurt to know how hard the rest of her life was going to be without her parents.

“Jason let’s go. I’ll explain in the car.” She told him as she started to push him toward their car.

Once in the car and the baby was secured, Jason started the car and drove away. The car was quiet for some time before Jason finally asked his wife, “Dear, what about the baby?”

Mel continued to look out the windshield and not look at her husband when she said, “You’re not going to believe me, but before the car went over her mother woke up and begged me to take care of her baby. She knew she wasn’t going to make it, so she said to take care of her baby and ensure they don’t find her.”

“Who’s they?” He asked her.

“I have no clue. But Jason, maybe this is a sign. Maybe this is our chance to have our own child.” Mel said softly as she rubbed her husband’s arm and looked at him with those sad blue eyes.

Jason looked at his wife, then back at the road, and then in the rearview mirror at the car seat that was turned facing the back seat.

Jason sighed.

“We should probably move to a different town. Everyone will be asking how we got a baby so quickly.” He said to his wife.

Mel’s chest lifted in hope when she heard her husband’s answer. She nodded to him before she turned back in her seat, and they drove home in silence.


Amanda sat there frozen in her spot, after hearing the story her parents just told her about how they found her.

“We were afraid to tell you that the accident afterward?” Amanda asked softly. Still staring blankly in front of her.

Both Jason and Melinda looked at each other before they shook their heads at their daughter.

“So, there’s no way of finding out who they were, is there?” She asked them.

Hudson looked at Amanda and squeezed her hand in comfort. She turned to look at him with tears burning in her eyes. He pulled his hand out from hers and wrapped her in his arms as she cried.

His wolf was howling at their mate’s pain. What was he supposed to say? How was he going to help his mate through all this? He yelled in his head.

Ruby mind-link him at the moment.

Ruby: By doing exactly what you are doing right now. You’re here for her and holding her. She doesn’t need anything else from you at this moment.

Hudson looked at Ruby and smiled.

“Amanda?” Melinda spoke softly.

Amanda pulled away from Hudson and looked at her mother.

Melinda leaned down and pulled out a small baby blanket from her bag. “This was wrapped around you when we pulled you from the car.”

Amanda took the blanket from her mother. It was a soft cream crocheted blanket that looked worn, she flipped the blanket over, and in the corner was an embroidered J.

She looked up at her mom and asked “I wonder what the J stands for?”

Mated to my Bully