Chapter 59

Zachary drove toward the small desolate town that he used to call home. Seeing his once happy town now broken and abandoned weighed heavily on his heart.

“Where are we?” Ruby asked.

“This used to be my hometown.”

“Wait, I do recognize this place, but where is everyone?”

“I don’t know. My parents left this town years ago. I just never knew that this was all there was left of it.”

“Who do you know that still lives here?”

“A friend of the family, at least I hope she’s still here. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen her.”

Amanda looked around the small recluse town, it made her sad to see such a small, charming town look so bleak. She saw a large sign over one of the buildings that read, NOW OWNED BY KIRALY HOLDINGS.

“Who’s Kirralee Holdings?” Amanda asked.

“A new company that has been coming through and buying up all the land and properties,” Ruby said with a huff.

“How do you know, Ruby?” Amanda asked.

“Three lawyers have been to the café a few times, they’ve offered me ridiculous deals to buy the café from me. But I’ve refused every time.”

Zachary turns down an old dirt road that takes them to the outskirts of town. At the end of the road is a large Victorian-style home. From the outside, it looked to be deserted as well.

“I don’t think anyone lives here anymore,” Amanda said as she got out of the car.

“Looks can be deceiving,” Zachary said with a smirk.

Zachary walked up the rotted steps to the creaky porch and knocked on the front door.

They all waited on the front porch. Amanda tried to look inside the window next to the door, but it was all boarded up. Blocking any view to the inside.

After waiting a few minutes, they finally heard the unlocking of the front door. The door slowly creaked open and a hooded head peaked out from behind it.

“Sorry, this isn’t a hotel. Try the next town over.” She told them before closing the door.

“Vita, it’s me, Zachary,” He told her.

Vita stopped from closing the door on them and opened it just enough for her to move out from behind it.

“Zachary, it’s been a long time. What are you doing here?” She asked him.

“Need your help. Can you let us stay here for a bit?”

Vita started to shake her head. “Zachary, I’m sorry I can’t help you.”

Vita slowly turned and started to head back inside.

“Please Vita, I helped you when you needed it. Can’t you return the favor?” He asked in a persuasive tone.

Vita narrowed her eyes at Zachary.

“I can let you stay but nothing more.” She told him.

“Thank you.”

Vita turned and opened the door for them to walk in.

“I wasn’t expecting company, so pardon the mess.” She told them as she closed the door behind them.

Vita pulled the hood and cape off and placed them on a coat rack by the door. When she turned back around they were all just staring at her.

Vita rolled her eyes, yeah she knew she didn’t look like the kind of person that would be living in this type of house, but it had been in the family for generations. She just couldn’t let it go.


“So, I see you’ve still been dabbling,” Zachary says as he looks around the house.

“Hey, this is only simple earth magic. Nothing heavy. We’ve been banned from using any magic within the town.” She told him.

“By whom?”

She twirls her fingers in the air.

“By the big man that owns the town. Why do you think everyone left? He ran them all out.”

“You’re still here,” Zachary said to her.

“Huh, that’s because he thought he got rid of ALL of The LA Marquis,” She told him.

“I’m sorry I should have done introductions. Ladies this is Vitelline LA Marquis, she goes by Vita. Vita, this is Ruby Jenkins.”

“Wait, the Ruby?” She asked as she pointed at Ruby.

“The one and the same,” Zachary said with a nod.

“You’ve talked about me?” Ruby asked and looked at Zachary.

“Long time ago. And this is Amanda Stevens.”

Vita walked up to Amanda, “Woah, I’m feeling some serious mojo from this girl. Who did she say she is?” As she moves her hands all around Amanda.

“Oh, I’m not anything, I’m just human.” Amanda piped up.

“Are you sure about that?” Vita asked her.

“Well, that’s the million-dollar question at the moment. Her parents died in a crash years ago, and we have no way of knowing who her parents were?” Zachary tells her.

Vita rubs her hands together, “Ooh a challenge. Well, first let’s start with the grand tour of the place.”

After touring the spacious home that looked completely different from the inside, Vita showed them the rooms they would stay in.

Zachary walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen where he knew he would find Vita.

“You look good kiddo,” He told her as he messed with her hair.

“Hey, I’m twenty-three, “I’m an adult now.”

“Yeah, looks like it. You traded in all your dresses and bows for short spiky hair and combat boots.”

“Hey, I like my combat boots.” She said with a pout.

“So how are you holding up?” He asked her.

She looked at him for a moment knowing exactly what he was talking about.

“It’s been hard, but I’m dealing with it. I’ve managed to lay low these past few years.”

“There’s a descendant from the Duvall family in town.”

She looked up from the pot that she was stirring from, “Really, what are they like?”

Zachary shrugged and said, “He’s arrogant and Hungarian.”

“Interesting,” She said with a nod.

“What are you making on the stove?” Zachary asked.

“I’m not exactly sure, just a recipe my grandmother taught me when I was younger,” She said with a shrug.

Zachary walked over to get a better whiff of the aroma, he let out a cough, “Don’t think it’s edible,” He told her.

“No, I could have told you that. It’s a potion, I just can’t remember what it’s for,” She said with a sigh and then asked, “Do you miss it, magic?”

He looked at her and then nodded.

“Is Ruby a part of the reason why you don’t?”

Zachary nodded.

“Well, you need to fix that, because you are both just making each other miserable.”

“It’s that transparent?”

“Oh yeah,” She giggled.

“I’m heading for bed. I’ll see you in the morning,” He told her.

“Good night.”

Zachary walked through the dark hallway, he stopped at Ruby’s door but then preceded to his room closing the door behind him.

Amanda was getting herself ready for bed, she was exhausted from the day she had and just wanted to fall asleep. The only thing that was troubling her was that she had yet to hear from Hudson. When she saw her phone lit up on the nightstand she quickly grabbed it without checking the caller ID.


“AMANDA!!!” Kimmy screamed.


“Amanda, you’ve got to help me. Something’s after me.” Kimmy cried.

Mated to my Bully