Chapter 6

Hudson woke up to a voice that belonged to one of his pack members trying to reach him through the mind link.

Marco: Alpha?

Hudson: What?

Marco: There was an animal attack last night on campus. A girl was attacked.

Hudson bolts up from his bed, worried about who was attacked.

Please don’t be her, he says to himself.

Hudson: Do we know who was attacked?

Marco: Identity hasn’t been released yet, but she’s at the hospital.

Hudson drags his hand down his face, taking deep breaths to calm himself and his wolf down.

Hudson: Alright, call Steven and see what he knows since he works with the Sheriff’s department. Text me the location of where the attack was and meet me there in twenty minutes.

Marco: Yes, Alpha.

Hudson gets up from his bed and throws on a pair of jogger pants and a sweatshirt. Pulling his hoes on quickly, he heads down to the community bathroom to finish getting ready.

Walking out of the front of the dorm building, he pulls out his phone and checks the time.

He rolled his eyes seeing how early it was and knowing how much crap he was about to get for waking one of his pack members up early, but he need to know.

Hudson: Tab?


Hudson lets out a sigh and tries the mind link again.

Hudson: Tab?

Tab: (Grunt) What?

Hudson: Is she okay?

Tab: Ugh, yes she is fine. I told you that last night when she came in. why are you bugging me this early?

Hudson lets out a sigh of relief and also feels his wolf calm a bit.

Hudson: There was an animal attack last night. A girl was found.

Tab: What?

Hudson: Can you check in with the other pack members and just make sure everyone is okay?

Tab: Of course, Alpha. I’ll let you know once everyone has checked in.

Hudson: Thanks.

Hudson continues to make his way to where the attack was. He is surprised to see how close this attack was to the campus and the dorm halls.

Great, he thought to himself.

He sees in the distance a group of men and amongst them, he sees Marco and Steven talking off to the side. Hudson makes his way over to the two.  

They both nod in respect to him.

“Morning, Alpha,” Steven says quietly.

“Steven, what do you know about this?” Hudson asked him. His voice was firm as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet apart.

“The victim’s name is Felicia Walker. She’s human. She’s currently unconscious but is in stable condition at the hospital.

She sustained quite a wound across her body. But theory is confident she will recover.”

Hudson nods.

“Anyway, can we tell what kind of shifter did this to her?” Hudson asks him.

Steven rubs the back of his neck, hesitant in answering the question.

“From the looks of it, it looks to be a Lykan,” Steven tells him.


That can’t be. From what he was told, Lycians were nearly extinct, and the few that were still alive were currently somewhere in Europe not here. Not in their small part of the world.

“Are you sure?” Hudson asked.

“I can send you the photos once I get back to the office,” Steven responds.

“Can you also send them to my father?” Hudson asks.

Steven nods and turns to head back over with the other officers.

“Do you really think it could be Lycians?” Marco asks as they turn to head back to the dorms.

“Not sure, but it looks like I’ll be making a phone call to my father later today,” Hudson tells him.

Marco nods and continues to walk in silence.

Tab: Alpha, everyone has checked in and is accounted for.

Hudson: Thank you. I’ll be in touch with everyone later once I have more info to give them about the situation.

Tab: Okay, Alpha. Do you want me to keep an eye on her for you?

Hudson lets out a sigh. He pulls out his phone to check the time. It is almost time for his English class that he has with Amanda.

Hudson: No, I’ll see her in English class soon, but thanks for offering.

Tab: No problem, Alpha. I’ll be sleeping if you need me.

He lets out a chuckle as the mind link ends.

Once back at the dorm, he quickly grabs his backpack and makes his way to his first class for the day. His wolf starts to get anxious as he wants to see, smell, and feel his mate. 

Yeah, like that was going to be easy, he tells his wolf.

Hudson walks into the class and slowly surveys the room; he can already smell her which calms his wolf a bit. Now, where was she hiding, he hummed to himself. And then a smile breaks out across his face.

Found her.

In the middle of the class sits Amanda with her head down and not making eye contact with anyone in the room. Hudson continues to keep his distance by staying back a few rows but makes sure that he can see her perfectly. He takes his seat without making any kind of commotion that he is there.

He watches as her body shivers and her head quickly pops up, looking around the classroom. The second her eyes spot him in the class, they narrow at him, but she doesn’t say anything.

He wiggles his fingers at her but nothing more. Amanda rolls her eyes before turning back around in her seat. He watches as her body lets out a breath and her shoulders drop a bit. He smirks at her reaction to him.

“Good Morning,” Professor Warren announces as he walks into the room.

“Morning, Professor,” is sung by a majority of the females in a flirtatious way.

There are groans from the guys.

There are groans from the guys.

The Professor smirks.

Hudson rolls his eyes but listens to the lecture that the Professor is giving. He’s going over one of the many novels that they will be reading in his class and then doing an essay on it.

Hudson’s phone vibrates in his pocket letting him know that there was a text. He pulls out his phone to look at who it is from.


He lets out a sigh and opens his phone to take a look at the message.

Father: Son, please call me as soon as you can.

Hudson quickly responds.

Hudson: I am in class right now; I’ll call you once it’s over.

Father: Don’t forget. It’s important.

He rolls his eyes; everything is important to his father when it comes to the pack. He lets out a sigh before responding.

Hudson: I won’t.

Hudson puts his phone back into his pocket and looks over at Amanda. If only he could feel her touch at this moment. It would calm the anxiety that was starting to stir inside of him. He isn’t looking forward to the phone call with his father, not that he had a bad relationship with his father or anything. No, he is worried that once his father sees those pictures of the attack he will confirm that there is indeed a Lykan’s on campus.

Mated To My Bully