Chapter 60

Amanda creped down the stairs quietly hoping not to make too much noise, she hoped everyone else was in their rooms and wouldn’t hear her.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Vita asked.

Amanda turned to see Vita leaning up against a doorway.

“I was, I mean…” Amanda stuttered.

“Come here,” Vita told her as she motioned for Amanda to give her, her hands.

When Amanda placed her hands on Vita’s, Vita closed her eyes and concentrated. After a few moments, Vita opened her eyes and looked softly at Amanda.

“You want to help your friend.”

“She’s in trouble.” 

“It could be a trap.”

“It’s what good people do,” Amanda shrugged.

Vita nodded and walked over to a bookcase, she pulled down a jewelry box and walked back over to Amanda before she placed it on a table. She opened the box and pulled out a pendant.

“Here, I need you to wear this.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a necklace,” Vita smirked. “It’s a way for me to be able to find you when you get into trouble.”

Amanda glared at Vita, but she let Vita put the necklace on her. It sparkled when it hit her skin.

“Also, I need you to give me your hand.”

“What for?” She asked but still placed her hand in Vitas.

“This is going to sting a little.” She said as she poked Amanda’s finger and made it bleed.

Amanda winced at the poke.

“Anything else?”

“Nope, just be careful,” Was all Vita said.

Amanda nodded and headed for the door.

Vita wasted no time, she rushed into the kitchen to get prepared for everything she was going to need. They need an answer to why Amanda was being hunted, and she was going to do everything she could to find out.

Deak was semi-conscious as he was being dragged through his Uncle’s house. They dropped him in front of his Uncle as he sat on his throne.

“My Unokaocs (nephew) looks like you put up a good fight.”

His uncle looked up at his guards and noticed one was missing.

“Where’s Rezso?” He asked.

Deak started to laugh.

“What’s funny?” His Uncle asked.

Tibor answered, “Deak killed him.”

His Uncle clenched his fists.

“It’s only because of your father that you’re still alive Unokaocs.”

“If only until your demise then I die happy.” Deak slurs.

His Uncle sits back on his throne.

“What makes you think that?”

“The girl is gone; you won’t catch her.”

“You underestimate me, Unokaocs. I have more than one plan in play to get what I want.”

“Why do you need her? What is so important about this one?”

His Uncle starts to laugh.

“You haven’t figured it out yet? The clues have all been there.”

His Uncle sighs and then glared at his nephew.

“Take him and clean him up, we have guests coming.”

Hudson continued to run until he made it close to the pack house, where he had Tab and Marco waiting for him.

Marco threw him a pair of clothes to change into when he shifted back.

“Where’s Noah and Foster?” Hudson asked.

He had mind-link them all so that they could deal with this together and he could update them on what’s been going on with Amanda.

Tab and Marco looked down.

“What?” He asked Marco.

Marco tilted his head in the direction of the pack house. Hudson made his way to the front of the pack house with Tab and Marco following closely behind. Once he made it around the side he noticed three posts in the ground with three bodies hanging from them. Hudson’s blood began to boil with anger.

One was his father’s cousin Steven, and the other two were his friends that he grew up with Noah and Foster.

Hudson howled in anger.

“Take them down, now,” He ordered.

The warriors nodded and quickly got to work.

He looked at Tab and Marco, “Are you deceiving me too?” He yelled.

“Of course not,” Tab answered.

“This is just as much of a surprise to us as it is to you,” Marco chimed in.

“Hudson,” Luna Cynthia called out to him.

He walked up to his mother and hugged her.

“Does Dad know?” He whispered.

She nodded her head.

“I’m going to kill him.” He voiced out in his wolf’s tone, who was itching to take over.

“Hudson, you need to stay calm and think reasonably. Where’s Amanda?” She asked him.

Hudson ran his hand through his hair.

“I left her with Deak and Ruby.” He sighed.

“Maybe you should call and check on her?” she suggested.

Hudson needed a plan; he was through playing games with this Lykan. He was messing with his pack and his girl. He was over it and ready to fight.

Before he could finish his thought they were mind-linked by one of his warriors.

Warrior: We are being attacked on the North border.

Hudson looked over at Tabitha and Marco who quickly nodded and shifted into their wolves.

“Mom, get everyone into the pack house and lock it down.” He ordered.

“I’ve got this under control, you go protect our pack.”

Hudson shifted into his wolf and took off heading to the northern border.

Vita started to test the blood that she took from Amanda. She was missing just two ingredients to complete it.

Zachary and Ruby came down the stairs.

“What’s is that smell?” Zachary complained.

Ruby was standing farther back and had covered her nose from the smell.

“Do you guys have anything from Amanda’s parents?”

Ruby went upstairs to retrieve the blanket from Amanda.

“Vita, where’s Amanda?” Ruby asked when she came back downstairs with the blanket in hand.

Vita grabbed the blanket and laid it out.

“She left.”

Zachary and Ruby both looked at Vita like she was crazy.

“What do you mean, she left?”

“One of her friends was in trouble and she left to help.”

“How could you just let her leave!” They both yelled.

“I tried to stop her, but I also gave her the Wyndham pendant.”

Zachary pitched the bridge of his nose, “That only works if you’re supernatural.”

“Yep and it sparkled brightly too,” Vita told them as she looked over the blanket.

“Wait, are you saying…”

“Yep, but what kind of supernatural, I’m not sure. Just need to find some hair on this.”

Ruby turned to look at the blanket she noticed something she hadn’t seen before. On the lining of the cloak read in small letters Bobby’s and Ruby’s blanket.

Ruby covered her mouth and sucked in a breath. The tears fell quickly against her cheeks.

“Ruby, what, what is it?” Zachary asked with concern.

“This, this was mine and Bobby’s blanket when we were little.”

Amanda was her…

“Really, in that case, can I just…”

Vita plucked a hair from her head and held the other hair she found and hoped this was what she needed to confirm her suspicions.

“Alright, red means she’s a wolf. Blue means she’s a witch.”

“A witch?”

The liquid turned purple.

“What does purple mean?” Ruby asked.

“It means we need to find Amanda; I think I know why the Lykan King wants her,” Vita proclaimed.

Mated to my Bully