Chapter 64

Amanda just stood there staring at Hudson’s body laying there on the floor. The world around her blurred and all she could see was Hudson and nothing else.

She didn’t hear the smoke bomb that went off in the room as Zachary, Ruby, and Vita came storming through. There was a war going on all around her but none of that mattered. Her anger started to fuel inside of her as her wolf awakened and took over. Amanda’s eyes turned to a deep violet as she looked around the room with new eyes. When her wolf saw their mate lying on the floor she let out an ear-piercing howl.

The room froze as they all turned and looked at Amanda.

Fabian turned to her and his eyes lighted up with excitement.

“Yes, your wolf is now awake from the tragedy of losing your mate. Let her use your power for revenge,” He called out.

Ruby and Zachary continued to fight against the Lycians and were relieved when they saw the cavalry come through with more warriors. Zachary pulled Ruby out of there and allowed the warriors to take over.

Kimmy took a step back. She wanted to run to her mate but there was something that told her not to draw attention to herself.

Deak had awakened and looked at Amanda with astonishment.

There was something else that drew his attention that seemed more important as his Lycan took over and surveyed the room. When he spotted the girl with the short spikey hair and combat boots, he breathed out the word: MATE!

Vita had just thrown a sleeping potion at one of the guards when she felt a sudden pull inside her. She looked around and then found the sexy sultry eyes that were staring back at her. Her lips parted as she wanted to take a step forward but were suddenly pulled back by Zachary and forced out of the room.

Deak howled as he tried to get up to go after the girl that his wolf had called his mate but couldn’t. He looked down and saw that both of his legs had been broken. He could feel the bones start to mend but it would be a while before he could use them again. He pulled himself away from the line of fire but made sure he kept an eye on Amanda. He hoped he would be enough to reason with her if she got out of control.

Marco and Tabitha came running into the house but came to a dead stop when they saw their Alpha/ best friend on the floor.

Tabitha ran over to Hudson and tried to feel for a pulse but couldn’t feel anything. She put her head down on his chest. There was a heartbeat but it was very faint.

Marco continued to fight off the Lycians to keep their distance away from his mate and best friend.

Tabitha: Marco, there’s a heartbeat but it’s very faint. We’ve got to get him to the pack doctor. Where’s Amanda?

She just finished her thought through the mind link when she looked up and saw what used to be her friend standing at the end of the room.

Amanda felt the rage burning inside her and let out a scream as her entire body was engulfed in a green flame.

Fabian started to walk toward Amanda as the thirst for power was growing inside of him. He was being drawn like a moth to a flame.

“My king, don’t. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Kimmy said to him from the corner of the room that she was cowering in.

Amanda turned and looked at her. Her eyes narrowed and then turned back to Fabian.

“So, you think it’s funny that you slaughtered my mate? I wonder if you will feel the same when I do this.”

She held her hands up in the direction where Kimmy was standing and started to squeeze.

Kimmy quickly put her hands to her throat as she was having a hard time breathing.

“My King, I can’t breath.” She tried to say as she gasped for air.

The king’s eyes widened as he watched his mate.

“That’s enough! Stop this right now.” He yelled in his authoritative tone.

Amanda opened her hand back up and allowed Kimmy to breathe. She glared at the Alpha.

“Why should I let your mate live when you did not give me the same pleasure?”

“I did you a favor, your mate will be waiting for you after I drain you and kill you. Now I’ll make sure that it’s a painful death.”

She started to squeeze Kimmy’s throat again.

Fabian clutched his chest as he fell to the floor and watched as his pet’s neck twisted around and then fell to the floor. Her eyes were still open but lifeless as they stared at him.

“Oops,” Amanda said as she covered her mouth.

She walked down to the weakened Lykan and grabbed his throat. The flame that was still surrounding her was like a force field burning into the Lykan’s skin. She leaned over and whispered into his ear.

“It hurts, doesn’t it? Feeling your mate slip away.”

Her claws started to grow and dig into his neck causing his neck to bleed. She took her other hand and started to tighten it.

Fabian continued to clutch his chest as he felt the tightening clench around his heart.

“I wanted to start with breaking every bone and then put you back together just to do it all over again. But you’re used to your bones breaking. This is much more personal.”

“Please, I beg of you,” He gasped.

“Small girl.”

She looked up and saw Deak limping towards her.

“Don’t let magic taint your heart.”

Amanda shook her head and then looked over to see Tabitha sitting next to Hudson. Her heart hurt as she saw him lay there and relaxed both hands as she took a step back from the Lycan. The flame extinguished around her. 

Her friends all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fabian growled as he leaped up from the floor and grabbed Amanda.

“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance. Say hello to your little wolf for me.” He pulled his head back as his fangs grew.

His breath hitched as he pulled his head back down to look at Amanda and then down to his chest. Amanda’s hand was stuck in his chest and wrapped around his heart.

“Tell Kimmy I said hi,” She told him as she squeezed his heart until he breathed his last breath. She let him drop to the ground.

Amanda’s wolf allowed her to take over as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at what she had just done.

“Amanda, Hudson’s heartbeat is fading,” Tabitha yelled.

Amanda rushed over to Hudson.

She grabbed his face.

‘Hudson, Hudson please stay with me. I love you, Hudson. Please stay with me,” She cried.

The warriors stepped in, picked their Alpha up from the ground, and carried him out of the mansion.

Mated to my Bully