Chapter 9

Ruby watches as Amanda walks into the backroom before turning back to the young man in front of the counter and saying, “Hudson.”

Hudson nods and says, “Ruby.”

She lets out a small sigh as she shakes her head. “Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you with that one.”


“Is she….?”


Ruby lets out another sigh before she finishes ringing up his order. Before he walks over to the pickup counter, Ruby says to him, “Take good care of her, Hudson.”

Hudson looks around the cafe and to the backroom before he leans closer to Ruby.

“Ruby, make sure that you are being mindful of your surroundings. There was an animal attack last night, and a girl was hurt pretty bad.”

Ruby nods and keeps her cool as he tells her.

“Alright, Hudson.”

“And Ruby?”


“I’ll be sure to take care of Amanda.”

 Ruby gives him a small smile as she hands him his drink and he walks out the door.

Ruby lets out a sigh.

Amanda peeks her head out from the back room. “Is he gone yet?”

Ruby smiles and nods. “Yep, he just left.”

Amanda walks over and grabs a cloth to clean up some of the tables that were now empty.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on between you and that boy?”

Amanda shrugs. “There is nothing really to tell. We used to go to high school together. He hated me and made my life miserable all four years.”

Ruby lets out a sound of shock.

Amanda shakes her head. “Look, it’s fine, really. I”m trying to put the past behind me and make sure that Hudson can no longer determine my self-worth. I’m no longer that easy prey that he can tear apart. I won’t let him treat me as he did. I’m here to enjoy college and have first experiences, and Hudson will not be able to take that away from me.”

Amanda can feel the tears burning her eyes as theory threaten to fall. But she won’t let them. He isn’t worth her tears.

Ruby walks over to Amanda and gives her a hug.

“You know, Amanda, high school isn’t the greatest time for a lot of people. There are too many expectations or reputations that many people have to live up to. But as people grow and start to find themselves, they realize the person they were in high school isn’t who they want to be. And just like you, they change. You are a strong girl, Amanda; it takes a lot of courage and strength to stand up to the people who have hurt you in the past.”

Amanda just stares at Ruby in complete awe. She can no longer fight the tears, and they just slip down her cheeks. “No one has ever said that to me. Thank you.”

The bell on the door chimes, and a few people walk in.

“You keep cleaning. I will go and help them out,” Ruby tells her as she gives her arm an affectionate squeeze and walks away.

Amanda turns away from the customers and quickly wipes her face. When she turns back around, she sees Tabitha walking in.

“Hey, are you okay?” Tabitha asks.

Amanda takes a deep breath as she nods.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just filling Ruby in about my past. Hudson came in earlier, and Ruby had to take over.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Nothing, he didn’t do anything bad at all. It’s just shrill hard for me to be around him. I guess a part of me cares that he’s going to act as he did in high school.”

Tabitha lets out a sigh. “That makes sense.”

Amanda shakes off the bad feeling and smiles at Tabitha.

“So, what brings you here?”

“I thought I would hang out here and study until your shift was done and then we could walk back to the dorm together.”

Amanda’s chest swell as her heart fills with happiness. She never had a close friend in high school and is thrilled that she and Tabitha got along so well.

“Really? You would do that?”

“Yeah, we girls need to look out for one another. Right?”

Amanda nods before saying, “Right!”

“Go do what you need to do. I have plenty of work to keep me busy until you are done.”

“Thanks, Tabitha. I really appreciate it.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for.”

Amanda turns and continues cleaning. Tabitha moves into the back corner of the cafe and puts her stuff down. Tabitha takes a seat in the booth and feels a pair of eyes on her. When she looks up, she sees that Ruby is staring at her. Once they make eye contact, Ruby gives her a wink and a nod and continues helping the customers that are coming in. Tabitha smiles. She pulls out her phone and starts to text. 

Tab: Not coming to the meeting tonight. I’m watching Amanda at the cafe. Someone has to protect you mate since you’re not wanting to.

Hudson: Tab, that’s not what I said. But thank you for doing that. I appreciate it.

Tab: She mentioned that you were in earlier. I guess you found her.

Hudson: I did. But she’s still very angry with me.

Tab: I don’t blame her.

Hudson: I know. The meeting is about to start. Thanks for watching her. Will you let me know when you two are back at the dorm?

Tab: Maybe.

Hudson: Fair enough.

Tabitha closes her phone and pulls out her laptop. She opens up her Gmail and starts to write out an email to her dad, asking him if he knows of anyone that can give them information about the Lycans and informing him of the recent attack on campus.

“Ready?” Amanda says to her when she plops down in the seat across from her.

“Wow, it’s that time already?” Tabitha says as she looks at her phone. 

Amanda nods.

Tabitha quickly packs her things, and they make their way out the door.

“Bye, girls! I’ll see y’all tomorrow,” Ruby says after locking the door and walking in the opposite direction.

They both wave and then start to make their way back to the dorm.

“So, are you feeling better now than you were earlier?”

Amanda let out a breath. “Yeah, it’s just confusing and frustrating.”


“Well, in high school, Hudson was always mean to me. But now< he’s being all nice and smiling at me. I don’t understand this new game that he is playing.”

“Do you think maybe he’s changed?”

Amanda laughs.

“Why would he?”

“I don’t know. Maybe something in his life is different now.”

Like the fact that you’re his mate, and his wolf is going crazy without you, Tabitha thinks to herself.

“Maybe, but I don’t know if I can ever forgive him.”

Tabitha nods.

They walk quietly the rest of the way to their dorm. Once inside, Tabitha pulls out her phone and starts to text.

Tab: We are in the dorm safe. You have a lot of fixing to do if you ever want your mate to forgive you.

Mated To My Bully